A proactive strategy to be chosen for a job

proactive strategy

Finding a new job need to have a proactive strategy to optimize opportunities.

A proactive strategy for CV submission

Taking the initiative to submit your CV is the first thing that you may find strange when you hear about it. Usually, a common route of job search is that you find a valid job posting, send your resume based on the website or directly to the employer’s email, then wait to see if you have received any calls. 

It is a career path that is ingrained in many individuals. And this is absolutely no problem at all. However, it is only suitable for positions with ample time to process for recruiters.

In some situations, this does not guarantee your chances even though your profile is very good and suitable for the vacancy. So what is the story, I will describe it for you to easily imagine. 

One fine day, “A” in the business received a better job offer with a much higher salary than the current company. Obviously, a good opportunity and A can’t turn it down. However, while in the current company, A is holding a lot of job responsibilities and tasks. If there is no timely replacement, it is likely to affect many activities of the company. 

If recruiters perform common tasks such as posting jobs, waiting for resumes, screening and notifying suitable candidates, that friend A has likely been on leave for a long time before someone new comes.

In this situation, the relationships and information available about the right candidate are crucial. You may create an opportunity for yourself in this situation by actively sending your CV to the employer, although the company may not have posted any positions on the recruitment channels. 

If you are really interested in that business and want to be a member, boldly send your CV and show employers that you are really interested and have a higher ability to stick with the company than other candidates. Basically, you already have a certain love and interest in that business.

It doesn’t devalue you at all, but it shows a positive and proactive attitude. However, if you are still contemplating your future career or don’t really want to quit your job at your current company, be cautious about sending your CV or actively sending your CV to the employer. 

Recruiters in the same industry can sometimes have relationships with each other, and cannot guarantee 100% that they will keep your information confidential. Even though it is their real obligation to keep confidential every candidate they receive CV.

Actively making friends with recruiters is another way for you to actively seek out an opportunity. This is even more effective than sending your CV to their email. 

However, there is a limitation that it will be a bit difficult for you to find personal information about the recruiters such as Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. The accounts provided by the recruiter are usually representative of the company. So the level of connection between you and the recruiter will not be really high.

The reason why I think that the accounts that represent the company, the level of “closeness” will not be high is that it is likely to be managed by not one but many people working in the human resources department. 

If possible, try to find out about their personal social media channel and interact regularly. This interaction will sometimes bring you unexpected opportunities.

A real recruiter is also a person doing the job of finding talent for the business, and your relationship between them is equal. Therefore, consider making friends with recruiters as having one more friend, don’t stress about this.

Asking for advice on working opportunities at the company is also one of the opportunities for you to actively search for a suitable job. Why not. Have you ever sent your CV to recruiters many times without a response? You connect with recruiters of your favorite businesses but never get a referral. By now you must have seen that it seems that I have encountered this situation somewhere before.

So the story is .. the vacancies in your favorite business are not suitable for you at all. In other words, with the job requirements that the business offers, you have too little overlap or meet. 

In fact, it is much better to receive a polite refusal or point out the points that we really do not meet, it is much better to let us keep expecting something. If you want advice, be open-minded and use sincerity to share with employers. I believe they will also make time for you.

Patience, patience, and patience. That’s all I want to emphasize when you’re actively looking for a job. In favorable economic times, jobs outnumber candidates, so you may not need to actively seek out opportunities for yourself. 

However, as the number of jobs decreases and the number of applicants looking for work increases – including both the number of employed and unemployed applicants, the competition will greatly increase. The more proactive you are, the more advantages you gain.

Create your own job search

Sometimes we create opportunities for ourselves, and also give others a chance. This is you giving yourself a chance to get a new job, and someone else’s chance to find a suitable candidate for their business.

Almost in the private sector, it is rare for an individual to stay in a position for the duration of their employment. Pressure from capacity improvement, new expectations on income, goals to improve working results from the company… always make people tend to develop and go up.

And when you reach a certain threshold of knowledge and skills, but for many objective reasons, you are still stuck in the same position. It is also a time when we consider whether to get out of our comfort zone and seek out new challenges.

You find this new challenge, maybe not really a new job but a start-up, self-employment, etc. But within the limits of the content that I want to mention, the new opportunity here is mentioned as a new job. However, a basic tenet of the labor market is that there must be a vacant position before you can apply for that position.

Information about this vacancy is not always posted on social networking sites or recruitment websites. There is always an information asymmetry when job seekers cannot find suitable job information. Just like recruiters can’t find a suitable candidate for a position. Somewhere, some individuals are looking for jobs that completely meet the requirements of businesses.

Information plays an important role in the process of finding an opportunity. And if you only actively search for recruitment information, it seems that it will not be enough to make the most of the opportunity. Proactively announce that you are looking for a new opportunity.

Friends and industry experts are absolutely a go-to audience when you want a new challenge. When you have a good number of “quality friends,” they can help, share information, and even refer you to others outside of your network.

The more quality relationships you have, the more resources you will have for useful information not only in the job search process but for many other aspects of life. Besides, experts who have experience in the industry you work in are also a good source of channels to share aspirations.

Since they are knowledgeable and skilled people in your field of study, not only do they have useful advice on the development of your career, but they also have a large number of information in their hands. Information is accumulated throughout the working process. 

It is not uncommon for a newcomer to ask to learn or hear about the work of their predecessors. And even sharing the information you want to have a new opportunistic challenge with these people sometimes opens up to you unexpected opportunities that we could not have foreseen.

And another important channel that possesses a lot of other information is internal recruiters or headhunters. Are you close or regularly interacting with an HR or headhunter? If so, don’t hesitate to share your wish.

In general, individuals working in the field of human resources will always have a certain connection with individuals in the same industry in other businesses. And it is not uncommon to share recruitment information between individuals working as personnel in enterprises. 

In particular, headhunters have a huge database of difficult positions that need to be recruited. If you can make a connection with really dedicated HR and Headhunter friends, their informational help will help you a lot.

And most importantly, your mindset. Sharing information that you are looking for an opportunity does not mean depending on or begging for a job for yourself. As I mentioned above, you require a new job and the other side has a need to find suitable candidates.

Opportunities and cooperation of both sides are considered equal and mutually beneficial cooperation. Who knows, maybe there is a recruiter who wants to receive a message from an individual similar to you. It’s basically a good thing for both of you to take the initiative to announce that you’re looking for an opportunity.

Upload your CV online and on job sites

Uploading your CV online is also a great strategy. Sometimes it’s not enough to talk to close relationships or HR, headhunters about your desire to find a new opportunity. That’s because each individual and every HR, Headhunter will have certain relationships and sometimes do not include organizations looking for people like you.

Relying solely on you sharing information with people you trust sometimes carries the risk of information omission. It brings a certain dependence on their “level of interest” in you. Instead of just waiting, we have completely other solutions to maximize the level of access to job information.

One of the channels that recruiters often go to is recruitment websites and LinkedIn. Your task is to create an account as a job seeker at these job sites, then upload your prepared CV. You can also make a CV according to the template of each website and activate the mode so that employers can find you.

In my opinion, you should prepare your own standard CV and upload it to these websites to save time in later editing and easy to manage content information in the CV. There are many articles on the Internet about how to create a job seeker or LinkedIn account, so I won’t go into too much depth here. 

I will clarify the working mechanism and search for information so that you can better understand why we should actively upload our CVs online when looking for a new job.

For recruitment websites, there will be a temporary cost package called “record search” that is sold to businesses with recruitment accounts. When companies buy this package, depending on the level of cost, they can search for resumes that require job search but have not or have not applied for the position they are applying for.

There are quite a few data fields that employers can use in finding CVs such as Region, Industry, Expected Salary, Years of Experience, .. and these fields will also have the same information when you are a job seeker register an account. Your task is to fill out all possible information in these fields to maximize the chances that your CV “can be searched”.

For job seekers, there is no cost to register and upload your CV online. Only businesses wishing to find suitable candidate profiles will bear this cost. And usually, this cost is also quite affordable to get the candidate’s information.

The number of businesses on recruitment websites is quite large. When you put in the effort to upload your CV online, you have broken the limit on the number of relationships. Thereby removing the limitation of information sharing, reaching a very large job market and job seekers as well as employers looking for candidates.

Another site that you should also use is LinkedIn and set it to “Open to work” with the location you want to search for. This website also has a mode of searching information by data fields and even the level of information disclosure is much better than other recruitment websites. In addition, many recruiters and “permanent” Headhunters are here to recruit “rare” positions.

Regularly visit the recruitment web accounts and LinkedIn to check which businesses or employers have viewed your profile or CV. If it’s been a long time but no one is interested in you, try updating your CV, and connecting more with employer accounts until you get interested. This avoids the case that your CV or the information you post has categories that are difficult to access or cannot be “searched” by employers.

And sometimes you don’t just need to upload your CV online and someone will contact you immediately. Because you will only match with certain companies, at a certain time. So be optimistic and wait for the opportunity. Uploading your CV online is one of the ways to actively find a new job when you have a current job.

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