Are you in a steady job for a long time?

steady job

When looking for a job position, most of us are looking for a long-term steady job.

However, not everyone has that luck. It is not uncommon for situations when you have just received a job to realize that the job you are about to do probably won’t last forever.

Businesses often start with a niche market, where no one has ever set foot but satisfy a hidden need of a certain group of customers. Then from that niche market, many businesses reach out and expand to capture many other markets.

Some with the right direction, strategy, and a little luck have become market leaders – industry leaders in their fields.

However, the story of a business is not only about growth and expansion. Especially when the market they occupy is increasingly being competed by more aggressive, more innovative competitors, and the market is gradually becoming less attractive.

When a new blue ocean is found, there are fewer competitors and more exploitation. It is not uncommon for businesses to shrink their previous business to focus development resources on a new market segment.

If you apply to a business that wants to narrow down the current market to move into a new market, you have little chance of getting a stable job in the long term.

An enterprise market, after it has been harvested and is coming to an end, is unlikely to bring you much learning and experience as well as growth. Partly because if businesses intend to shrink the size of the market they operate, the opportunity for advancement and development of new skills will be less.

At this time, the investment in human resources for that market segment will no longer be too focused, because the goal at this point is only to maintain a certain market share, or worse, to withdraw completely.

Downsizing staff in the field, concurrently taking on more jobs, or even disbanding the team and moving the whole thing to other jobs. Never before has work in areas where businesses are no longer prioritized become so precarious.

Your business will probably never lose its footing because when one person exits the market, someone else will immediately take its place.

But whether you choose to go where people want to go, or people are looking to will greatly affect your position in the business. Thereby affecting to some extent income, study, and ability to advance.

Given the choice, it is much better to choose a business that is expanding in a market than it is gradually giving up its market share to a competitor.

And you will need to consult a lot of information online to understand the orientation of the business or ask for information from acquaintances working in that business, etc.

There will be many ways for you to extract information unless you can’t find any information and have no choice. If yes, try to consider and choose for yourself the most suitable direction.

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