How to write an address in CV?

how to write an address in cv

How to write an address in CV? Address in CV can be included the permanent address and temporary residence address. These two subjects are easily confused in a CV, so I will share with you the information related to the location in the CV. Of course, these locations will be analyzed from a recruitment perspective, from the perspective of a recruiter reading a candidate’s information.

With road traffic getting better and better, and the State having a very right investment interest in the infrastructure system, today’s jobs are no longer confined to a limited geographical area narrowly localized. Employers have been and are having more choices in selecting talent for the business they are working for. 

Except for jobs that can work flexibly or work from home on a project basis, do not require physical interaction with other colleagues, or do not require the use of office equipment and tools, most of them will go to a fixed office or a certain factory to perform daily work tasks. If you fall into this category, what I’m aiming for here is how geographical distance will affect hiring decisions.

One of the most common questions employers ask candidates is “Is it far from your house? / How many minutes does your house take to this place?” Recruiters have been interested in geography because above all it will be the time and difficulty of getting to your workplace. However, to get to the interview and answer this question, you need to make the geographic aspect of your CV clear.

Continuing to go against the problem, as above I have mentioned two locations: permanent address and temporary residence address. To make it easier for you to imagine, I will take a small example. When you were a child until you were about to go to work, you lived with your parents in a house with address A.

Then you went to work and wanted a private life, so you decided to move to an apartment convenient for traveling back to work and have an independent life at location B. So A is the permanent address and B is the temporary address. 

Why am I speculating like that? I am using the permanent or temporary principle to classify permanent and temporary residents. With the belief that house A belongs to your parents, it is permanent, and you can return to live there or take care of them. Therefore, it is considered a permanent address. 

On the contrary, because apartment B is a short-term tenant, And when you want to change your residence for work or hobby reasons, you can move to rent another apartment. It is a temporary address.

Both permanent and temporary addresses will provide employers with grounds to speculate about your commute. 

Why am I interested in this on my CV. That’s because some jobs may be necessary for you to show up at an urgent time, have unusual over time, or give priority to those of you who are near the company. This I raise not to emphasize the geographical distinction, but for you to understand and sympathize with the recruiters only.

However, not necessarily geography will be one of the factors that hinder your business’s eyes. A small addition to the CV about the desired work location: “can work anywhere in district A/city B, etc.) will help employers understand expectations and readiness for your move much more.

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