How to balance study and work?

balance study and work

Two parallel aspects of many students are study and work. Especially active students may have been looking for a job very early before officially leaving school without a degree. Among the many jobs posted on recruitment channels, it is very important to choose a suitable job that helps you balance study and work. 

With a personal opinion, I suggest you consider the following points when looking for a full-time job very early. These are the amount of time you have left to study, the level of difficulty and pressure of the courses you have yet to complete, and the flexibility of the job you pursue.

Remaining study time

With a course or program of study, you will typically need to reach a certain number of courses to complete. You should consider whether your remaining study time compared to the normal graduation time is more or less. 

By referring to the courses above or averaging the number of credits or modules you need to complete over some time, often a semester, you can get an unbiased opinion. 

If the time you spend in the lecture hall or center is very large, plus the time you do other normal body activities and rest almost takes up your day. Then this is not the time for you to have experience with outside jobs. Studying and doing at this time should only choose one, that is to finish the program.

The difficulty level of the remaining subjects

The difficulty level of the rest of your courses is also a factor to consider when you are planning to look for a job while still in school. Your number of subjects and modules may be small, but you should assess whether completing them takes up a lot of time outside of your lecture hall. 

You may only spend three hours a week informal lectures to learn the knowledge, but it takes at least three sessions to complete the practice sessions and group assignments. Not to mention some modules that take a lot of time to study in-depth before they can grasp the knowledge to complete. At this time, learning and working in parallel are not feasible.

Balance study and work. Is the job you pursue flexible?

Finally, the flexibility of the job you want to pursue will also be a pretty important factor. 

A company that works eight hours a day, Monday to Friday will not be a good choice for those of you who are spending a lot of time during the day going to class. Jobs that involve a lot of operations and interactions within the business will often require you to come to the company more often. 

However, with the current development trend, quite a lot of jobs no longer require you to be at the office in the style of an eight-hour day, timekeeping, etc. Instead, there are assigned projects or items and tasks.

Your job is to perform regularly to complete those projects or items on the schedule. This is also one of the jobs that, in my opinion, is quite suitable for those of you who want to study and work at the same time.

Time arrangement is the most basic and important thing for your decision to work while studying.

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