Can you do an internship after graduation?

Can you do an internship after graduation

Can you do an internship after graduation? When do you need to do this? What do we need to prepare for the best results?

When can you do an internship after graduation?

Usually, after graduation, you often choose for yourself a full-time job and start looking for income. However, some professions are highly competitive, making it difficult to find a job when you don’t have enough experience. The lack of a real environment for you to apply what you have learned can make you forget what you have accumulated.

Most importantly, you need a place that gives you the opportunity to work in real life. A place where you can add your knowledge and skills to stay competitive in the job market.

Sometimes it’s also because you want to pursue something new than what you’ve been learning for a long time, then choosing an internship after graduation is also a good decision to understand which job you are most passionate about.

Therefore, you can completely apply for an internship after graduation.

Purpose of internship after graduation

Define your career path

Before applying for an internship after graduation, you need to clearly define your passion and what you will pursue. Is that job or industry your lifelong dream? How much effort will you spend? Do you want to work long-term in that industry?

Ask yourself questions and answer them yourself. Don’t let yourself waste time on short-term, temporary interests. It is not advisable because you have missed studying, so try to continue so as not to waste time. You have a whole youth to choose the right job again.

Post-graduation internships give you new experiences and strengthen your confidence in your career path

Acquire more knowledge and skills

Many jobs take a lifetime to learn and grow. It’s not just when you graduate and get your degree that the learning stops. Really that’s just the beginning. The world is always evolving, moving and you always need to stay up to date with new career trends

Internships after graduation give you more opportunities to hone your knowledge, skills, and understand what real businesses need. Not just on book theory.

Get the knowledge and experience to put on your CV

This is very important. You don’t have much experience, and an Internship will help you get it.

Make the most of your internship to learn what you can. Then include it in the experience section of your CV. It helps you to add a huge amount of information about what you have done.

Among the candidates are quite similar, the fact that you have practical experience is always noticed by employers.

Preparation and in practice

A standard internship application CV

Prepare a standard CV with full information. Usually, you won’t have much experience, so don’t try to put too much on your CV. Give reasons and what you are passionate about to convince the employer to accept you.

The most important is information about your learning process. Certificates or short courses that you have pursued. It will add to how knowledgeable you are about the job

The necessary knowledge for the job you are applying for

Find out what job you’ll be interning for. What are the details like? What are the requirements? And read and grasp that knowledge in advance.

It will be difficult for the interns to guide every detail. Because really the instructor sometimes can’t follow you all day. Mastering the theoretical foundation helps you a lot. When it comes to a concept or a job, you can immediately associate what you’ve read and learned.

So your practice time will be more productive and do more useful things.

A right attitude, eagerness to learn

In each department, there will always be experts, people with many years of experience. Go learn from them and try to support them as much as you can.

After practice

Please rate, comment

Feel free to ask for reviews and comments after the internship. At this point, what you care about will not be the procedures to complete your internship, but how the business evaluates you.

This is very important. You can promote the good points. Besides studying and accumulating, improving your own shortcomings. Practicing with you now is for self-improvement, and it’s good to get some feedback.

Have fun whether the feedback is positive or negative. At least it helps you develop yourself and have a direction later.

Thanks for the job recommendation

It is not by chance that businesses choose interns. It is very likely that the business needs future workers, or a temporary workforce to solve the shortage of human resources.

So near the end of your internship, boldly ask about an opportunity to stay as your employee. Possibly at the right time when businesses need labor. They will choose you.

But if they don’t need to recruit more workers. They may still be able to refer you to some other business they know. Businesses are always connected to each other. Your performance in the internship and taking the initiative to ask for help will always be appreciated.

Find a suitable job

If you haven’t found an opportunity after all. Be confident that your CV has now added many skills and knowledge.

Internships are always valuable, especially for those who do not have much work experience. Put it on your CV and apply to the companies you want.

Post-graduation internships will show employers that you’re truly passionate and prepared for the job you’re applying for. It greatly strengthens the employer’s confidence in selecting you.

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