Company and career development

Career development

Your career development is significantly based on the development process and the history of a company. 

For young businesses, it can be difficult to find information about the company’s milestones except for the date of establishment and the representative. This information can be easily looked up on information pages about business codes. However, it does not have much reference value for us when applying to a business.

Company culture is one of the important factors in determining the ideas, core values ​​, and behavior in the business. It interacts with us daily, and whether present, written, or not, “every company has its own culture.” It is important to learn about the culture and values ​​of the business when you apply for a position.

Sometimes we give up a position not because it’s difficult, exhausting, or overwhelming, but simply because we don’t fit the work culture. Imagine a business that wants employees to work at their best regardless of the hours. While you are a person aiming for high performance but must be on time. Obviously, you and the business are not meant for each other.

And from a personal point of view, you can’t learn the corporate culture in new, fledgling businesses unless you go to work there. Sometimes they are still looking for values ​​that are suitable for development orientation. 

In old businesses, the company culture is established more firmly, is consolidated, and made sustainable through many times of adjustment, the behaviors and behaviors are maintained after a sufficient period. long enough to permeate all levels from leaders to employees.

These values ​​are condensed into names such as “core values” or something similar. It regulates how you behave with all things happening in the business, as a set of rules and standards, the behaviors that are encouraged by the business. 

Take a moment to learn about the company’s culture and I believe you will have a huge advantage, even avoiding “culture shock”.

The process of establishing and developing a business, or company history is also an important point that you need to learn. At what stage has your company been established, during that time, what are the notable development milestones such as development, expansion, whether the change of manager is too frequent or not, etc.

Every company will go through many periods, just as an economy will always have a process of prosperity and crisis. As an enterprise located in the economy, it is difficult to go against the laws of the market economy. Identifying milestones that are important to your business presents you with enormous opportunities. 

It is no different from being born “at the right time” and graduating with abundant job opportunities and a less competitive labor market.

At least you can know if the business is growing, downsizing, or encroaching into new fields, new industries. With each different stage of business development, the hiring trend will not be exactly the same, and so your opportunities will also be different.

Understandably, you’re applying for the wrong company today, but if you’re still where you are five years from now, you can still find a place in that position. Businesses are always campaigning to create milestones, and each milestone has different requirements and tasks.

Another point you should keep in mind when researching the company is the type of business. Is your company still a limited liability company or has become a joint-stock company listed on the stock exchange. What I want to share here is a public enterprise. 

When your business is listed on the stock exchange, it means that there will no longer be one boss who has the ultimate power in the business, but every decision will have the participation of many parties. At this time, the benefits received from the business will be received from all owners – who are holding shares of the company. 

Information and data will need transparency, clear press releases, an annual general meeting of shareholders, etc. These will usually be old, relatively large businesses and you can find a lot of information about them through related information from the stock exchange.

The business’s development, expansion, situation, and prospects can all be shown through analysis from reports from securities brokerage centers and commissions. The fact that you find business information is very useful for assessing the growth potential of the business and future career opportunities to choose the right path.

If you want a new challenge, growing businesses or entering new areas will be right for you. On the contrary, if you want to have relative stability in terms of work, stable businesses are not a bad choice.

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