Change in profession. The tips to predict success

change in profession

Change in profession. Working outside the industry is not uncommon for people looking for work. Not only fresh graduates, anyone can do the opposite of their previous major. But how to increase opportunities, and know if you are suitable for the new industry?

How many pieces do you fit?

How much is suitable for the recruitment job, is a question when each person reads a job advertisement online. Usually, we often choose jobs with similar titles to our previous jobs. Is it a good choice, and really right for you?

Which job is regular?

A job can have many different names because after all, it is just one name. Sometimes a name cannot help us fully realize the nature of a thing or event. The same holds true for job search.

The name is the same, but the content of the job is not exactly the same. Why? Because really the name or title is just created by people. Please pay close attention to the nature and what the job itself will do through the job description.

To check how much you are suitable for the job, imagine for yourself what the position will do 80% of the time. Quite a few job postings these days have a very good overview of the job, but only a few are regularly implemented. Others may only do it once a month or even a quarter.

With jobs that you don’t do too often, you’re completely capable of slowly learning and perfecting after entering work, because those are not urgent, continuous content. Find out what regular cron jobs are, and compare your ability to do them.

Rarely does a business recruit personnel only to let them do 20% of the work time for occasional jobs. Because of those cases, businesses can consider outsourcing options. So, check what regular work content you are likely to do and judge for yourself what percentage of the content you meet. That is the first step.

Change in profession. What work is important?

The second step is equally important, which is to see what work content is important, creating value for the business.

Those are the functions that actually produce results that positively affect the overall performance of the business, at the level of the position you are applying for. Without that function, your job becomes unimportant and easily replaced by other individuals in the company.

Once you understand what’s important and what’s not, you’ll see if you’re really the right fit for the position. You just need to drop each work content and check again that, without it, it is okay. The answer you can judge for yourself.

What are the requirements of the job?

And one last factor that is especially important that cannot be ignored, is how many of the job requirements you can meet.

Some of you may feel that the position is too demanding and you can’t meet it, then choose to ignore the application. However, it is a fact that there is rarely a candidate who meets 100% of what the employers set out. And even if they do, they’ll probably have higher expectations for personal growth, rather than just hone in on existing competencies.

So you already know how much you are suitable for the job you are recruiting for. Check the content of the work performed regularly, the content of the important work, and the requirements of the job. You will get an objective view of your chances when you look closely at the factors suggested above.

Change in profession when you have the right fundamentals

Two basic options when you apply for a job is to choose a job like the one you used to do. This option seems pretty safe. But if you want to break into a new field, what do we need to find out?

What is the basic background when working in a new industry?

We should first consider what the basic foundation of that work is. So what is that basic foundation? It can be a set of skills, general knowledge applicable to many professions, or a certain group of occupations. It is not too detailed for a job or position, but rather a general form of knowledge and skills that can be applied to many different jobs.

This platform does not help you get the job done right away, but it is extremely useful for you to learn or learn new knowledge or skill. It is no different from a skeleton and our job is to develop more muscle, and skin, … to complete a human.

You cannot make a human out of the skeleton of an elephant, and I believe it will be very difficult for you to move into a new position without the basics unless you go back to learning the knowledge from scratch. If you have the time and the economic pressure to start over, that’s fine. But if you have responsibilities to many other people, consider carefully your choice.

Taking one foot out of your comfort zone is very different from stepping out of it entirely.

How prepared are you to change in profession?

How prepared are you for change? Do you really enjoy the job or not? What if you see a job that is very “hot” in the job market, and want to immediately switch to that job to get more opportunities and better income.

It doesn’t matter because once jobs are very attractive, they will be able to lower the demand for recruitment to meet the relationship between labor supply and job demand. But let’s be realistic that what you think and what the job actually does is not the same thing. What if you gave up everything to pursue a new job and realized you didn’t like it.

And what is the knowledge that will need to be self-study or learn to supplement your current weaknesses?

The fastest way to answer this part is to find a person in the industry with long experience, ask for their suggestions, and share, about the nature of the job, what you may encounter, and the knowledge you need. What program or framework to learn to perfect? And after feeling everything as you envisioned, go to the final step.

Time to acclimatize

Did the position take too long to adopt? That’s the last question you should ask when entering a new field.

Why this matters, given the fact that if you work for a business, you most likely only have two months to prove yourself a good fit for the position. If during that two-month probationary period, you do not adapt to the contents of a new job, you will be fired.

Make sure you have a good foundation to pass the interview tests, and the skills to adapt to the new work environment. Even if you fail the first time, you can still try another lower-level role or request a simpler position.

However, always make sure you have a good knowledge base, a full perspective on new work, and great adaptability.

Some of you may answer in the interview that “although I have not researched or learned much about the position, I will try to learn when I come to work”. How would you answer if the interviewer’s question is “so why should I choose you when there are many other candidates with better knowledge and experience?”.

Think for yourself the answer, but the basic and most important is always how well you prepare for a new job.

Rate the rarity of the skill you are missing

Rare skills factor – one of the important factors to evaluate your competition compared to other competitors in the job market.

So what if a job requires you to lack a few skills? How can we assess that it is one of the key skills you must have when applying for a job?

If you just graduated and want to change in profession

If you are a recent graduate and have no experience, choose suitable positions at the entry-level staff or trainee level. Positions that require as little experience or skills you lack will be an ideal choice.

The most important point in a career is not that you have a good position from the beginning, because this is rare for anyone to get except for some factors of luck, context, etc. The most important thing is that you get it. a job “related” to your field of interest, with the opportunity to learn, and improve knowledge and skills.

Most employers will not judge your work skills too much when you are a graduate, instead, they will consider factors of attitude and curiosity.

However, there is a very important point that the business you apply for must have a person with expertise and guidance for your work. This is a prerequisite and can be said to be the most important when young people start their career path.

A good instructor can direct the right path for you, sharing with you what the theories and books could not show before. They help shorten a significant amount of time – when you are lost and have to find your own way. So choose a job that is less demanding but can have a good lead and a lot of growth opportunities.

When you already have a certain amount of experience

However, when you already have certain experience and skills in the field you pursue. This is when we really consider continuing to develop ourselves through new projects, even a new job. And the jobs that are not for new graduates will all require a certain number of years of experience, knowledge, and skills.

Some of the positions posted in the requirements section can be clearly noted as mandatory requirements. This is the purpose of employers to avoid wasting your time, and the skills or experience in the three dots above are a prerequisite, a must for you to get an interview.

Some businesses that do not have mandatory requirements for each position may seem to have more flexibility in recruiting, but there will always be skill factors you need to identify.

Overall assessment of work

Please evaluate the overall job content and job requirements. The job requirements are what factors are considered common (education, years of experience for example) that quite a few people achieve. Which factors will be really rare skills (reading a report, working on new technology, fluent in at least two foreign languages, ..)

Distinguishing these two factors helps you visualize somewhat what the employer expects from the candidate.

In the rare skills section, you can evaluate in the job posting area that is looking for personnel, whether anyone can meet those requirements. By assessing the workforce around you, companies in the same industry, or the same industry, etc. You will understand whether the skill is already available or will take time to hone.

Enterprises can only either re-train from scratch or recruit people from the South and the North to work. Determining whether the job market has human resources that meet the recruitment needs of businesses will help you avoid missing opportunities.

Sometimes some of you feel that the requirements are too high and cannot be met, so you hesitate to apply for a position, but really the requirements at that time could not be met. If you’re brave, there’s still a chance.

Find out if the company is hiring

In another situation, when that rare skill is still available, you are not necessarily without a chance. You can gauge if the company you’re hiring for compares to other businesses with a larger size, more well-known brand, or better benefits.

If those who have experience when changing jobs, most of them want a higher position, better income, or a more optimistic expectation in a new business. Quite a lot of large enterprises recruit talent quite easily just because they have a very good recruitment brand.

If businesses are recruiting and lack competitive advantages in the labor market, then they are not necessarily recruiting people with really good skills to work. And the opportunity remains for you.

Therefore, if you lack certain skills in the requirements of a position, do not be discouraged. Take the time to learn and analyze a bit about those skills, and maybe after the analysis is complete, you are still a very potential candidate.

The market determines the opportunity to change in profession

The labor market is one of the determining factors in whether a business will choose an individual who lacks many skills to work.

Understand the right target market

The concept of the labor market seems vast and vague. It can be a group of occupations, a group of jobs, by locality, by country. It is even possible to categorize the labor market by technology. Therefore, it will be difficult for us to have a clear picture of how the labor market works and affects you.

When you assign a particular frame of reference to the labor market, things get a little clearer. Instead of generic or vague, non-object-specific concepts. Look at the labor market in the frame of reference associated with the size of the business you are interested in.

That is the closest thing, is the group of workers that the business is aiming for. And for each enterprise, although in the same industry, but with different sizes, operating methods, and different customers, the groups of employees for recruitment will not be the same.

It is very difficult for a local mini-supermarket chain to use the personnel standards of a global supermarket chain to apply for staffing. A wholesale-oriented business would also not operate as a retail catering business to a small audience.

Market reports are for reference only

Usually, we can consult about the human resources situation, statistics, market indexes, occupations, prospects, etc. This information and reports can be found quite easily online.

Before reading and believing it completely, note that the implementing agency will choose which businesses or groups to sample for the survey. It can represent general information for an industry, or a group of occupations, but ensuring that such information applies to most cases seems to be impossible. No matter how good a sample is, it is unlikely to represent all of the actual components.

Therefore, only if you have a specific job orientation, a specific group of businesses, find a labor market that matches the reference system of that business, then conduct research and basic judgments. his association. Only then will your predictions be completely accurate.

Find out the right information when you change in profession

Indeed, finding information is not too difficult, but determining the appropriateness of the information you collect is a very difficult task. The labor market is inherently a very vague concept for many non-specialists, and the more we refer to it, the more easily we seem to lose direction.

The fact that you move to a new job but still lack skills and knowledge is not without opportunities. Once you identify the main labor market for that job or job group, learn more about the hiring needs for the position.

Search websites, job groups, and job postings of businesses. But please note again, that the labor market is the group that businesses aim for, and you should find a way to join that group through the analysis I have outlined in previous articles.

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