How to choose a career and the inside story

choose a career

How you choose a career in a specific industry is very important. It can be a part of the factor that affects your success in the future

How does the industry of the company affect your choose a career?

The company’s industry and business field are important factors in choosing a career path. Some of you who study a certain major such as oil and gas, construction, etc. professions mostly related to engineering will almost only apply for vacancies related to the industry you are trained in. 

These jobs and professions are too specialized and specific. And here there is hardly another more suitable choice.

Some fields of study are open to employability and job-seeking again – industries where technical standards are not too strict and have common basic criteria and foundations such as accounting, HR, foreign languages, etc.

If you don’t have a chance to make a basic choice because your major is too narrow, do your best to develop your work. However, if you have the right to choose a few industries that you pursue your career in, please note how that industry factor is before making a decision.

An industry defines the way a business operates, thereby forming the general structure of the business, the locations, and the characteristics of the company. It has governing laws that businesses can hardly resist. Competitive business in an industry, you have to follow the rules of that industry, if you go against the trend or you will be crushed or you will create another industry yourself.

For example, a retail industry will force you to work with a huge number of goods and customers, and the locations of distribution of products are extremely important. Delivering a great buyer experience whether in person or on websites is important. On the contrary, if you work in the construction industry, new construction is what interests you, and sometimes you never even meet the user before it is completed.

Because of the different characteristics of customers and different sets of values ​​​​to bring to customers, the internal processes in the business as well as the way to train personnel between industries are fundamentally different. Even companies in the same industry will have different ways of operating depending on the customer segment – the group they are targeting.

No company goes beyond the industry confines. The profession determines the amount of knowledge and expertise you need to pursue. That’s always been a fact, and every industry is tied to every product or service. Those products or services will have different methods of creation and quality control. And all of them combine to form a set of knowledge and skill standards that you must achieve when working in a certain industry.

Consider carefully whether your orientation to a certain job will be appropriate in a particular industry. For example, the same PMC, but if you work in a garment processing business with hundreds of different customers, it will be different from what you do for an electronics processing business with a few large fixed customers.

And it is prudent to think and examine the future of the industry you intend to pursue if you really have many choices. Ending industries will close the door to your future employment and there are no optimistic forecasts about how you will transfer your knowledge and skills to other industries. Basically that it is outdated or no longer fits the development trend in life.

On the contrary, the growing industry offers you great opportunities and a job market. Those are the ways to bring new value to users, unsaturated, with great potential and many businesses realize that they will rush to seize and explore. 

Then the number of personnel needed to work in that industry will increase, which means more jobs are created, many positions need experience from those who have done it before and of course, you will have a lot of opportunities to advance then.

Job description, different industries, is the nature of the job different?

As industries are different, your work will also be different. Although the job titles of many companies in many industries are similar. However, some of you will be surprised why I applied for a position that is completely similar to the one at my old company. However, there has been no interview appointment yet. It lies in the very specificity of the industry, which affects what the job undertakes.

The nature of the business sector determines how businesses operate and interact. From there determine the job content of the position. No one will be able to go against the market, against the inevitable laws to survive in an industry. It can be tangible elements such as assets, and machinery or intangible factors such as technology, systems, and personnel. Some of you will be able to find the phrase “barrier to entry” and it is completely real.

You don’t want to be able to work in real estate, or open an auto manufacturing business, an airline, etc. The conditions for entering this industry partly affect how all operations and interactions in business. Because when you are qualified and capable to participate in a certain industry, you also need to use those resources in the most effective way to create long-term profits.

And it is not uncommon for new businesses to enter an industry to re-hire and recruit experts who have worked long before in the industry to take advantage of human resources and knowledge, especially in industries that require a very high level of management and expertise. And so businesses in terms of operation inevitably have some similarities with each other, learning from each other. 

Therefore, in general, job descriptions in the same industry will have many similarities.

However, with different industries, because of the difference in the skills you need to learn to pursue and the target population, in general, the same job title but the nature will be much different. A quality investigator in the electronics industry will need to learn more in-depth quality knowledge than in the wood industry. A position in charge of import and export in garment enterprises will also differ from car manufacturers.

The background is the same, but going into the work will have many similarities and you need to accumulate more knowledge between industries. The required knowledge of each industry is an indispensable factor when you choose a particular industry to pursue.

In the same industry, even jobs are completely incompatible, as many businesses follow different development strategies and have radically different positioning. Positioning here is the target audience – the people who are identified for that business to provide products or services.

Except for protected monopolistic industries, most of each industry group will have a few, even many, enterprises. Each business will choose for itself a specific customer segment and build goals and processes to serve them. And sometimes in the industry, there will be businesses that are thriving as well as others that are managing to survive.

Researching about an industry or business when you are applying for it always gives you valuable knowledge. It is also a plus point in the interview when you have a good understanding of the business and industry in which it operates, and clearly show the employer why you are interested and want to join the company.

“What do you know about our company?”. I think it is a typical question for all candidates.

After all, people who have clear goals are more consistent in their actions than those who have not yet found a specific direction. It is also a comment made by the employer about the candidate.

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