Confusion about recruitment information and solution

Confusion of recruitment information

Sometimes, when looking for a job, we face confusion about recruitment information. The information found is not the same. At this time, if you don’t have time, it’s best to apply on every recruitment channel you can find. If you want to be more thorough, you can also find out the cause before finding a specific solution as follows.

A job posting on many sites, I know which site to apply for

One day by chance, you search on Google or other search engines for a position you love at a particular business. And surprisingly, the same position was posted on many different job websites. Even if that content is on Facebook sometimes it is also posted by many different accounts.

Sometimes you get confused about how the same position has so many different websites and audiences that you can apply for. That is the phenomenon of recruitment information interference.

There are too many job postings about a position that makes you wonder. Imagine you applied to a website or email but then received no response. The reason is that in fact, even the recruitment agency does not know the existence of that website or email. I dare say this will not be rare if you really take the time to find out the information. 

The story here is about sharing recruitment information.

Many recruitment websites can list businesses and share recruitment content of that business on their websites, even though recruiters do not create an account themselves. Usually, these websites can be new and need a lot of information as well as interaction with candidates and recruiters.

They can completely give a free recommendation to recruiters, and provide a free login account to post jobs. Sometimes the whole process is not announced to the recruiter because, by accident, their email sent to HR is put in the spam folder by the email filter. I believe that some recruiters will also be surprised when their company’s job advertisement is located on many recruitment sites that they do not register or are affiliated with.

This dissemination of information is essentially great for job seekers and employers alike and increases interactivity online. As a result, information reaching people who need to find a job is more diverse and accessible. 

However, on the other hand, if recruiters do not have a close look at all the recruitment channels they own, from paid to free. As a result, a large number of resumes will be lost from their source of potential candidates. That may include you.

One of the best ways to fix this is to check the credibility of the job posting site. Candidates should check the information found from a reliable source. Is that website famous or established long enough for many people to know and use, including your employer? Is it a regularly updated site with a massive amount of work? Or is it just a new site with certain job postings?

Checking how often posts are updated is quite important. A recruitment website or fan page that regularly updates the news is a “dynamic” source of recruitment. It shows serious interest in job opportunities and promotes the website to users.

Even if there is a lack of job postings about positions, they can completely compose useful additional content such as industry-related job information, articles on skills, the working environment, etc. Those are very reliable recruitment websites or fan pages and will have many opportunities.

On the other hand, if a fan page or recruitment website has only a few pieces of information a year, perhaps the recruitment done there is not too much, so there has not been enough attention to invest. You will find it difficult to find suitable content or jobs on such fan pages or websites.

However, these observations are only subjective. Sometimes it is not possible to cover all of what is happening in the job market. If it is too difficult for us to decide whether a certain recruitment website or fan page is really useful and effective, it is best to apply to all channels or places where information is posted. 

We can jokingly say “Rather kill mistakenly than miss an enemy.”

Sometimes this action of yours shows recruiters that you really care about the position. Really if your CV is suitable for the job, few will judge why you applied to so many recruitment channels or so continuously. 

However, if you choose the wrong recruitment channel, you don’t even have the opportunity for the employer to evaluate you. Because they may not even know that you are interested in the job and have no information about you.

So be confident and optimistic that your work will not lose points in the eyes of employers. The opposite can cost you the opportunity.

Confusion about recruitment information because the time in the recruitment information is not consistent

Sometimes, the fact that many places post a job at the same time is still not as confusing as having the same vacancy but posting many times on different websites and at different times. Let’s try to imagine and judge what is happening that makes the recruitment information so inconsistent.

Pages that share information slower than job posting sources are one of the reasons we can imagine. That is, from recruitment information for a position from the official website or fan page of the business posting the job, other recruitment websites and fan pages cannot update the information in time. 

It leads to a situation where a position is sometimes posted for a week, even half a month, but then it is updated to another job posting site.

This is really not uncommon, especially when the recruitment information is posted by many businesses (high season for recruitment) and it is difficult for website or fan page admins to update in time. These “time holes” create positions that are sometimes no longer in demand because recruiters have found suitable candidates before. 

It causes significant waste of candidate information as job seekers and job seekers don’t find each other at the right time.

And on top of that sometimes it affects the recruitment image of a business. What happens when you apply to a business that you feel you are a great fit for but are never contacted, just because you are a “latecomer”. Surely many of you will feel discouraged when a position is posted that you apply for but are not called, and deduce that you are not suitable for that position or that company.

Sometimes your judgment is correct, but sometimes it is also incorrect. The lack of information is one of the things that cause the costs of job search and recruitment to be significantly higher, and both do not maximize the necessary efficiency. 

I am referring to it as the negative of imperfect information, but please do not judge that any false recruitment information about time is less valuable because there is still another situation as follows.

Employers have not found the right candidate or the number of vacancies is not enough (sometimes both) and after a short time have to post again. This is entirely possible. Not every recruitment deal turns out to be successful. 

In addition, not all candidates can show their full potential after accepting the job. Therefore, most countries have a probationary period in their employment-related laws. This minimizes the risk that businesses have to “suffer” from individuals who often do not complete their work or cannot accept and get used to the work at the enterprise.

Besides, there is also the situation that after entering the job, quite a few candidates feel that the work environment and work are not really suitable. Or sometimes they have other better opportunities to decide to stop. Whatever the reason, employers will have to go back to the first step: finding a replacement. 

And if it is true that in the previous candidates interviewed, there is no one capable of making a backup plan, the recruiters will be forced to look for other sources of candidates. This caused the job posting for that position to appear again even though it was posted only a short time ago.

Besides, there are quite a few cases where the demand exceeds the supply capacity of employees. The number of recruiting workers at one time could not meet all the demand, and after a while, it was forced to recruit more. 

There are many objective and subjective situations that make businesses continue to search for talent. And in most of those situations, only someone who actually works within the business itself can get you information or a satisfactory answer.

Hiring times are not uniform so it’s not necessarily spamming or worthless, nor does it mean that it’s really an existential need. Therefore, if you are really wondering if the position is currently hiring or not, it is best to apply because it really won’t lose or affect you. Or if you want to know more about the information, you can find the employer’s information directly to inquire.

Where is the employer’s direct information located and how to contact it?

One of the fastest ways when you see recruitment channels are noisy, or information is uncertain, is to find the person in charge of recruiting for that position for information. 

This is really not difficult, but sometimes some of you are still quite reserved about this issue, and still submit your CV and wait. In fact, this is quite easy and most employers are very open to feedback from you.

First, if you are confused about the job posting, find out how to apply. This is a must-have line for all job postings. Information on how to submit your application tells you how to apply online or in person, who to send it to, who is in charge, etc.

Usually, if you apply on job websites, this section may not show up. But it will not be difficult for you to find it in the company-related referrals. With social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, .. the email of recruiters is not too difficult to get. Some can even be contacted directly via messenger.

A personal phone number is one of the information that recruiters very rarely provide even in any recruitment channel. It depends on the “object of labor” that the employer wants to reach. 

You can imagine on average every month an HR in an enterprise that employs a few hundred employees will not have time to respond to every message or hear 100% of your calls. They still have many necessary tasks at work such as processing resumes, gathering interview evaluations, updating recruitment results, etc.

Therefore, with a large number of vacancies, a message or email can be an optimal way to contact the employer to inquire about the information you are interested in. 

This ensures that they won’t be too pressured to answer your questions over the phone right away. After performing the necessary tasks, at a certain time of the day, they can completely check each message or email and respond to you in the best way.

However, with businesses operating in areas where employees are scarce. It may be because the demand exceeds the number of candidates, or the fiercely competitive industries make many candidates, but the number of companies looking for those candidates is even more. Trust that employers are looking forward to receiving a phone call from you. 

In this situation, it is perfectly normal to call them at the number you find and ensure the quality of the communication.

The reason why I only divided the contact method into a phone number and other methods is so that you can understand the pressure of responding to questions. If you hear a phone call from a candidate, by default, the recruiters will put everything aside and only focus on responding to information. Of course, this is not 100% guaranteed for everyone.

However, when you text or email, you give recruiters time to select the most useful information to give you. That’s because they’re not pressured in terms of response times. However, you will hardly be satisfied if you expect an immediate response when using this form.

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