Cultural diversity in the workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace

Cultural diversity in the workplace can be shown in each department and employee. But what are the factors that create it?

Cultural diversity in the workplace in each department’s characteristics

Not only the company, but each department has very different characteristics and different office culture.

Although they work in the same organization and share common cultural values, it is not difficult for those who work to realize that the working department greatly affects the way individuals interact and behave in the work.

One of the factors affecting the working culture of the department is the human factor.

It can be said that human is the core factor affecting all activities and forming the culture, ways, and working styles. And the human factor, which there are many groups of factors, can affect the office culture of the department, most of which are in the group of demographic factors such as age and gender.

In each certain age gap, there will be different ideologies. It’s not just that the difference is so big as the difference between generations, but sometimes it only takes the age gap of five years or more, the many ways of thinking and reacting to an issue have gone in many directions.

Differences between generations and age groups are always potential for conflicts at work, but if they can be reconciled well, they will always be useful in learning and receiving initiatives and experiences.

Gender is also a major factor influencing office culture.

The difference between men and women in terms of psychology and biological characteristics has been mentioned by many articles and scientific studies. And it also partly affects the difference in working methods and decision-making methods at work.

As a member of a department, if that department has a demographically diverse workforce, it will be a headache for managers to reconcile member relationships.

However, if the environment is unilateral, possessing only a few demographic characteristics and lacking in diversity, you will be forced to imitate and adapt to the key demographic factors that influence group action.

The nature of the work will be another factor affecting the working style and motifs of the departments.

Each profession will have different working methods and tools. Spending at least 8 hours a day regularly using tools, or applying methods to work, will gradually affect the way of thinking and personal style of each person.

There will be people who work entirely with numbers or others who sit at the office for less than a third of the working time. Another department is regularly exposed to laws and decrees issued by the government. Every business always has a certain number of departments, resulting in a diversity of functions. And the main functions in the work gradually formed.

For example, the sales, marketing, and accounting departments will be two extremes in the business. This is not surprising because of the functional goals that the two parties aim for, one side is customers and people, and the other side is related to financial data and evidence.

Therefore, it seems that the Accounting Department will be more rigid than the Sales Department. If you have an Internal Control department in your business, I believe that investigation and attention to detail working style will be one of the characteristics of this department.

It is difficult for us to change the culture and working motif of a department, instead only understanding each other’s tasks and working towards the spirit of cooperation is the most perfect solution for solidarity. internal corporate engagement.

Personal relationships and persona

In a corporate office environment, you will always have colleagues. That’s not a compact definition of the people who work with you in your department, but everyone with whom you are likely to interact during your work.

The reason for this article is only to narrow down the concept of colleagues as individuals you will interact with, because really, if a business has employees during the working process, you hardly interact, do not work with, .. in other words, you sometimes don’t even know they exist, their influence on you, on your emotions and on how you feel about the working environment will be extremely low. If there are, it will only be indirect effects.

Therefore, clarifying the factors that will affect psychology and thereby forming a clearer judgment about your working environment and corporate culture, this article will only emphasize that colleagues are with whom you will interact.

There will be times when you feel the company culture, and colleagues are uncomfortable, but there will also be times when everything is great. It’s just a personal opinion. However, sometimes it gives you many positive and negative emotions, thereby making you have an assessment or judgment about the working environment at the company.

There are many articles about the office environment, tricks, tricks, dealing with bad colleagues, etc.

Such articles do not seem to go too deeply into the nature of daily conflicts or interactions at work. Human factors and people interacting in work will be through only two main factors. It is the quality of work and personal character.

Let’s not forget that the goal of every person who comes to the business is to make an income, businesses are founded with the primary goal of making a profit (that is I do not include charities, organizations that do not have revenues and expenditures managed by the government, etc.).

The pressure of rejection by others when the skilled labor market becomes more and more abundant makes all individuals have a common desire to do their jobs well and express themselves. is a capable person.

So what if in the process of achieving that goal, we encounter a barrier coming from another individual.

At this point, it’s easy for our mentality to make ourselves impose on others a bad image. However, let’s be more objective, whether the person is doing what they need to do, that you are actually doing it right. If both are correct, does the work process at the enterprise make different departments and titles conflict or hinder each other?

And going further, whether there is a direction between the leaders of the two departments that causes conflicts, etc. Because of the lack of information and the lack of sharing among individuals in the work, we sometimes mistakenly believe that one person is one person. Others are worsening their results or self-image and becoming the source of all conflicts, frustrations, annoyances, etc.

It not only affects your psychology, generating resistance but also affects the atmosphere of the people around you. Actively sharing and frankly exchanging views and working methods is a good measure to minimize the contradictions that come from the quality of work.

The contradiction of personality is also an extremely difficult factor to resolve.

Many articles reduce individual personality to common types, such as studies on the 12 zodiac signs, or the MBTI test that classifies 16 different personality types. But in reality, this number could be much more.

And one more point, you will not be able to memorize all the personality traits of different types of people.

Sometimes we don’t even understand the personality of our spouse, parents, lover, etc. Conflict in the family, the people we come in contact with every day is a topic that has existed for generations, so personality conflicts in the workplace are not surprising.

We will generally have to accept those things with the rule of respecting each other’s individual nuances.

As long as they don’t affect office culture, business, social ethics, and legal compliance, all diversity should be encouraged and understood rather than criticized and rejected.

Everyone needs to have a more open view of each other, removing the norms we attribute to others about personality. Personal and work life will become better and more comfortable than ever.

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