Employment Service Center – if you need some help

Employment Service Center

One of the classic forms of recruitment channels other than newspapers is the Employment Service Center. The centers that I refer to here are organized by the government and are managed by the state, not private centers.

Among you, if any of you have trouble finding a job, you will probably know this type of center. This is an administrative and non-business unit of the state with main functions including consulting, free job introduction for employees, and connecting the employers to employees.

The Center regularly links with businesses on labor recruitment status, especially employment service centers in place that have industrial parks. 

With the receipt of recruitment information, these centers will notify by billboards at the center, on the websites, and on other social media to notify information to individuals who wish to find jobs. Who knows, there will be job positions that are suitable for you.

In addition, periodically, these centers will usually hold one or two sessions called Job Fairs at the Center. There will have representatives of the human resources department of businesses looking for jobs. At each recruitment area, you can consult the information about positions that the business is looking for candidates for.

Although each job service center will have a different operating form depending on the number of businesses in charge and location. There may or may not be job fairs, but one of the most basic functions of the Employment Service Center that I mentioned is still helping unemployed people to find jobs for free. 

So there won’t be any cost but time if you pay a little attention to these addresses. In fact, quite a few businesses produce recruitment information for potential candidates through the Employment Service Center. 

Several industries such as services, transportation, and freight are also regularly featured on the recruitment bulletin boards of the Center. Most of the positions posted here are at the level of workers, skilled workers, specialists, engineers, etc.

In addition, because it is operated mostly by the government with a combination of businesses, the recruitment information on the Job Service Centers has good credibility. To post information, businesses need to clearly list the vacancies with the requirements. 

This information is then sent to the Center for censorship and job posting. It is completely different from the information on some Facebook groups. Some groups may skip the moderation step and we cannot know for sure if the recruitment is really “no problem” or not.

Although job service centers are not necessarily the optimal choice for you in the process of finding job information, I confirm that this is a reliable reference source. You should also give it a try because on top of that it’s also a free recruitment channel.

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