Hard to get jobs. It’s not really your fault

hard to get jobs

It is hard to get jobs. Applying for a job, no one called. I have scattered my application to many places but have not seen the opportunity. Although you have prepared a good CV and selected a suitable job in your ability to apply. Not necessarily your reason.

Is that position advertised many times?

The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has caused several workforces to lose their jobs. Some are lucky to find themselves another job right away, but there will be another group still struggling to find a new opportunity for themselves.

It could be self-employment, moving into a new field and learning more knowledge, or sticking to the previous career-oriented path. During this period, have you ever seen a business advertise the same position, but many times at different times?

The answer may be yes, even without a pandemic crisis, in times of good economic development, it is not uncommon for a position to be posted again and again.

The reason for emphasizing the Covid 19 factor is because the number of employees who lose their jobs is more and more monitoring job postings, the phenomenon of a position being posted many times will make it easier for us to observe.

Posting multiple times for a position at an enterprise needs to go into the timing and content of the job posting.

Recruitment time

The timing factor is mentioned because if a position is appearing in the job postings every month or two, it is most likely because the position has not yet found the right person. Or the candidate who worked before is not suitable for the job and does not become an official employee of the company.

Whatever the reason, an employee’s discontinuance creates a vacancy. There are still other cases where the company expands and recruits continuously to meet production and business needs.

Whatever the reason, please carefully note the number of businesses that need to recruit. Between the time of recruitment and the number of recruits when analyzing this relationship deeply, you can guess the reason for the recruitment somewhat.

Recruitment content

Another factor that we can analyze is the content of the job posting. If the content is consistent and regularly posted, there is a high probability that the candidate for that position is very difficult to recruit, and “can’t find it forever”. But if the same position but the job content is different, then there are two possibilities.

A first possibility is that the position is filled by many people and each person only performs a relative portion of the job, not the whole. Therefore the same position but the job content is not the same. It is also possible that the job of that position has changed in nature by the time of posting.

Sometimes it’s the same position, but in a different group, a different group. Different recruitment content will give you different opportunities, and although the same title, and different job content, will come with different requirements in terms of personnel.

Sometimes we just apply for a position once but fail and then remove it completely from our application list. But life is always changing, work and work contents are always in motion.

Just because we don’t fit today doesn’t mean we won’t be. So don’t expect too much about a job position to receive too much disappointment, but also never give up on your self-oriented career interests and passions.

Opportunities will always come to everyone, as long as you always try and update continuously.

Employer’s judgment of suitability

We’ve all been reading articles about tips for getting noticed, interviewing techniques, or advice on how to prepare for an interview, as to how to dress,. What is proposed is completely good content and ideas.

There is no perfection

Because it’s so good, so perfect, it seems that all those guidelines have forgotten another aspect of candidate recruitment. Both job seekers and recruiters indeed find each other quickly if and only if both are “good” and meet at the right time.

Ignore the downsides, of what candidates are inexperienced or not well prepared for. From another perspective, we can frankly admit that there will be good employers and bad employers.

All theories or tips would be perfectly useful in a perfect world. A world where everyone does their job well, and not to mention some criteria that are assumed to be true all the time. If an employer is not good, will it have any effect on your job search?

Of course yes, there are many more influences.

Skip the right CV

The first factor of a bad recruiter is that they ignore your CV even though you are a perfect fit for the company. It is a fact that you may find surprising.

Basically because when you send your resume to an email or website, most of the recipients will be recruiters. After receiving the applications, they will conduct screening before sending some to the department managers to check and arrange for interviews. And an inexperienced or inexperienced recruiter can completely screen the wrong candidate or miss the candidate.

Subjective comments

The second factor is that their judgments about your profile will be somewhat subjective and do not reflect the full extent of what you have done. Because they don’t work in the business you did before. That is a very important factor.

Job descriptions with recruitment requirements seem to frame some HR people, making them ready to immediately eliminate the elements in your CV that do not show. Maybe because you know, you have it and by default, the reader will understand without needing to write down too much detail.

The sad news for you is that what you know, you understand may not necessarily be read and understood by others.

Your CV is difficult to understand

A bad recruiter can’t even dig deep into the content you share on your CV. With the long-established default criteria, a CV should be short, concise, and of a moderate length. It became a standard and made many friends save, limiting the use of words so that recruiters were not overloaded with information.

However, what is important, is we need to include it fully and without cutting it so that “CV has a length of … pages” as per the long-standing concept. The real issue here is not the length of the CV but whether what you write in it is really the most quintessential, complete, and concise.

Some employers will not be able to judge the content you share if you have omitted too much information, defaulted to the employer’s understanding, or assumed that the employer knew the company well before. you work.

Do you believe that if the information is not clear, cannot dig deep into the content, the employer will actively contact you to ask you to supplement, or simply clarify the content? That’s only if you’re the only one applying for that position.

If there’s another option that’s not necessarily better than you, but they know more about the candidate’s CV than you do, you’ve probably hit the loser box.

Check your CV again

We cannot decide whether a business has a good employer or not, but we can completely take the initiative to be a good candidate. It’s about trying to present yourself at your best on your CV.

Help recruiters who are still inexperienced, but when reading your CV, they can still see that you are the right person. By sharing the shortest but most complete information about yourself, making it easy for the reader to imagine you, you have greatly improved your chances of finding a job.

The vacancy is closed but not updated

One of the other reasons why you apply for a position but wait forever to see no response. You wait forever for a call from the company but do not receive it, and you secretly think that this position is not suitable for you. However, it seems a bit absurd because the job description and requirements have a lot of points you can meet.

You think that the recruitment system of the enterprise has a problem, or there are certain relationships to be able to work at the enterprise. Everything you think may be absolutely true. But there is still another cause, that vacancy is closed but not updated.

Businesses soon find the right person

A vacancy is closed because the business has found a person. You may not be the first person to read a job posting today, and you certainly won’t be the only one looking for a job.

In difficult economic times, jobs are few and the number of job seekers is high, the sooner you apply, the more opportunities you will find. You are procrastinating and analyzing whether to file now or wait some other time to find out more information or see if corporate benefits are okay.

This makes perfect sense and is a good tactic for passive job seekers who have a job but want to find a better opportunity. But in the meantime, a section of unemployed who requires searching and collecting will not hesitate to take advantage of opportunities. They can apply first – find out later.

Among them, there are quite a few very capable people. So they get selected and also the reason why you don’t get any offers. So if you find a position that is quite suitable for you, quickly search for the information you are interested in and apply early.

The sooner you apply, the better your job opportunities will be.

Businesses no longer need to recruit

Businesses no longer need to recruit vacancies. This is the second reason why you didn’t get an interview appointment. This reason sounds rather weak but is one of the reasons that I believe will appear quite a lot in the context of a crisis. Especially like the crisis of the covid pandemic.

As countries regularly update their countermeasures against the epidemic, the demand for electronic devices increases because people are staying at home, and supply chains are disrupted, making it difficult to predict production and operation needs. Running a business is harder than ever.

Any long-term prediction in this context becomes very fragile, as no one can accurately predict the epidemic situation, nor the measures to be taken against it. The lack of raw materials, changing customer needs, difficulties in transportation, etc. cause some businesses to change their operating status regularly, and today’s job posting does not mean it will last. applied for tomorrow.

Recruitment became more dynamic, more reserved, not because of fear of the epidemic but fear of what it might bring negatively to the future careers of many positions.

Recruitment time changes

The recruitment time was moved to another time which also caused you to apply but not be called. However, this can be a positive side. At least the recruiting demand for the position hasn’t gone away, it’s just moved to another timeline.

Some recruiters even post a position a few months ahead of schedule. This job aims to be proactive in human resources, have more opportunities to have better candidates, and in addition to avoiding labor shortages.

However, posting this “expected” job can be a meaningless action if the position is very scarce in the human market, so much so that as soon as you send your CV, someone will immediately contact you to arrange the job.

The fact that you apply for a position but are not contacted is not a big deal. It does not show that you are not qualified, incompetent, or any other problem.

It is simply that at that time, you may not have had a good relationship with the business. And maybe another time, after another time, you will be the chosen one.

Recruiter’s Competency

A very sensitive topic and can be judged by quite a few recruiters, but there should be some sharing about recruitment. What you have been reading for a long time about the top businesses with the ideal working environment, the companies with the best working environment, etc.

Referring to that information is really valuable, but it only exposes the bright side. And light and dark will always be two sides of the same thing, just as in 24 hours there is always day and night. And the dark side lies on the employer’s side.

Clarifying the concept of “employer”. It includes both HR professionals who work in recruiting at the enterprise and heads of departments/departments that need to recruit personnel (also known as Hiring managers).

HR person’s fault

The first mistake belongs to the experts who do human resource work. These people do the entry work, receive candidate applications and do the first screening test. Therefore, to get to the interview round, most candidates must pass the screening step of recruitment specialists. And this is the problem.

What if human resources workers screen to get good candidates, and bring poor quality CVs into the business. What if the screening of resumes is done by inexperienced recruiters and doesn’t go through the re-check step of their superiors.

At first, it sounds very absurd and weird. The human resources department, some other places called the structure and organization department, etc. can be so unprofessional. But everyone has to go from a low position to a high position. Even human resource professionals will go from fresh graduates to accumulating enough experience.

If your CV is reviewed by a qualified professional, great. If your CV is from a fresh graduate who has just graduated from college and has not been working at the company for a long time, chances are you are not really lucky today.

Some of you will be able to argue that there are still many young people who have just graduated from school working in large enterprises in the role of human resources, that what is written is not accurate. So, let’s take a look at those businesses that have recruitment criteria based on expertise or just good attitude and communication, … things that you may not need any expertise, just a good EQ can feel. receive.

In fact, many businesses can overcome this by having an experienced personal tutor for a young person. By screening a second time, the probability of selecting an unsuitable profile for the business will be reduced, but it will not avoid the missed application. Because no one goes through all of the data, but only double-checks what the young staff members sent to them to double-check.

Error from the department that needs to recruit people

Another mistake that prevents you from being selected to work at an enterprise is from the people who want to recruit you to work – the head of the department, the department requires recruiting personnel.

It would be one-sided but very real, that not 100% of managers can read CVs or know how to interview for a job. And when they read non-standard CV information, they miss out or refuse to interview a potential candidate.

Asking an inappropriate question in an interview is like a puzzle in an exam, because of the reality of the work you handle and the question if there is no connection, who can be sure that you will answer the question? Good words but good work or not.

The expertise of managers will sometimes specialize in a certain area, they may not work through every position before being promoted. This issue creates an in-depth gap in the professional expertise of certain positions. And so it’s hard to judge or judge whether what the candidate responds to is really the best option or not.

Gu in terms of recruiting people will also be a limitation to making friends, although very suitable, but can not work at the enterprise. Many managers choose employees who care a lot about personality, people, … not just expertise.

Sometimes they even choose people they feel can be easy to work with, or similar to people who have done well in the past. They have nothing wrong with their selection, but whether those decisions leave out good candidates or not, no one can conclude.

Believe that when you are looking for a job, it is not because you are not good when you have not received a job, but somewhere there are many other objective and subjective factors that affect you.

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