How to contact in CV? the most important line

contact in CV

How to contact in CV is one of the most important elements. You can imagine that everything on your CV is very good, only a small error is that there is no way to contact you. A very important omission of information. 

You may think this share of mine is superfluous, but trust me. I have received many applications to borrow someone else’s email to send. And that friend rarely checks email, so when I can’t find a contact method. I responded to the email address that sent my CV and received only silence.

Also, another situation I’ve encountered is that you forgot to update your new phone number, and the old phone number became a subscriber to someone else. Therefore, when I read and re-read the phone number on the candidate’s CV and pick up the phone to contact, I all received the same response: you have the wrong number. 

I couldn’t contact them and I had to ignore that CV. In short, make sure that the email address on your profile and the phone number you use is correct. Make sure you can check your daily email and reachable phone during office hours.

In addition to the old traditional way of contacting us by email and phone, many businesses now use mobile application software to communicate internally with each other instead of using internal phones. 

This trend can be seen as making it easier for you to remember information, more intuitive (instead of memorizing you can open it and read it again), transmit information completely (through various forms of transfer communication, chat groups), and a better response system (no pressure to remember too much information and reduce the urgency of feedback). 

European companies, WhatsApp, Viber, and Skype are the preferred choices; For China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, WeChat is considered the most popular and fastest-growing software, used by the majority of businesses.

I am referring to this aspect of communication software by sharing that: find out what country groups you want to apply for or work for, and from there create a software account that corresponds to what businesses in that country often use. 

This may sound a bit odd because you have provided your phone number, the employer can directly contact you and schedule the date and time for the interview like the traditional ways. 

In fact, with the influence of the global Covid epidemic, online interviews have become much more popular and preferred. Your interviewer may not own a phone number in your country at all. You need to provide the right way of contacting them.

Another factor I want to mention here is that if there are new projects, new companies invest in your country and the human resources are not yet formed. Your use of software that is compatible with businesses in those countries will create an opportunity for you to connect through the headquarters of businesses in countries outside the territory. Sometimes it even opens up the opportunity to receive projects from abroad.

With dynamism and more software for connectivity, recruiting is no longer confined to the traditional popular ways and face-to-face meetings. Catch the trend and you will get more opportunities.

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