How do find recruiters to apply for jobs?

find recruiters

Where should we go to find recruiters? In fact, recruiters can be everywhere, from the Internet, on Facebook, LinkedIn, career seminars, etc. However, it is not uncommon for some individuals to take advantage of the Internet to pretend to be employers trying to recruit employees to do illegal work, or worse, scam job seekers. 

Trusted channel ratings to find recruiters

Let’s list the places where you can find employers in order from most reliable to reference.

Job center, job fair

Job fairs of the Employment Service Center and Job fairs organized by businesses will definitely be the most prestigious recruitment channel. Find out why I think it’s reputable by learning how these two job fairs work. 

To have a place at the job fair, you must be the representative of the business, which is usually the human resources department. You can attend by exchanging contacts and sending a list of vacancies with a signature and company stamp, or by using an email that is confirmed to be the actual email of the business. This creates a barrier for “fake” recruiters to get in. 

For job fairs organized by businesses themselves, recruitment costs are considered quite large, and of course, you will not be able to do the preparation work with partners if you do not have to work at the main office. 

However, the biggest confidence point is that you see recruiters in the flesh. Not only has the opportunity to learn about career opportunities, but your ability to interact with employers or advice on suitable careers the company is hiring for is also an opportunity that few channels any recruitment available.

Company website

The company’s recruitment website is also a very reputable recruitment channel. Certainly, in terms of recruitment news, the websites built and managed by the company themselves are always updated with the latest compared to all other websites. 

Some other websites can even borrow information from the company’s own website to announce recruitment news on their own pages to increase interaction and access information. However, because not every company has its own website or has a section related to recruitment, we can refer to some other sources.

Paid job posting sites

The paid recruitment channel that the company uses will be a place we can pay attention to. This channel is reliable because it .. costs money. Not to mention that to buy a paid recruitment account, you must verify with the provider that you are the business posting the job and not some other entity. 

If you do not provide the necessary relevant documents, the relevant service providers posting job advertisements will likely refuse to let you use their services. Searching for job vacancies on these channels is quite good, but you should pay attention to the timeliness of the news. There will be many cases of posting in 30 days, but by the 10th day, the business has chosen the right person. So apply as soon as possible.

Social media

Free channels are always ranked last in terms of reliability by me. 

The first thing that matters here is that it’s free. A social network overloads you with information with recruitment channels, information flows, social groups, etc. Because it’s free, almost everyone has an account and tries to create attraction through information the message they convey. 

Social networks and free channels are also difficult to censor the accuracy of information. Falsifying information, or impersonating employers on social networking sites are situations that have been warned. 

However, this channel allows you to interact directly with the people who post information, have the right to ask questions, and receive answers. So most of your questions will be answered. 

Only one thing we wonder and wonder is that: behind the person sitting at the computer or holding the phone on the other side, is it really the employer of that business? And how do you know you’re interacting with the right audience?

And if you want to connect to a particular company you wish to apply

Finding the right recruitment target, which is recruiters or headhunters who require job hunting, is very important. 

An enterprise can have more than one person working in recruitment. And if their division of work and coordination is not really good, the business is completely likely to lose a suitable candidate, as well as you personally lose a career opportunity.

Find email

Finding their email is the first and most basic step. Most of the recruitment information is posted on job websites. There will be a section for candidates to submit their applications. 

Some recruitment service sites may not provide you with information about the employer such as their personal email address, but ask you to submit your application through the website that this service unit provides. However, there is less and less dependence on one unit for recruitment. Many employers today have developed other channels for themselves to actively reach out to many sources of candidates. 

So if you like a certain business and want to work, find all the information related to the recruitments of this business. Try to choose the latest job postings, and I believe there will be information about the email address of the person in charge. Prioritize information from the company’s own website because it will be the most reliable. 

Search on social networks

For recruiters, finding them on social media is another method. Social networks do not limit users and their classes, roles, and positions in society. You can find anyone on social media if that person is willing to share information about themselves. 

And for recruiters or headhunters who are looking for candidates, I don’t think they will lock all personal information or not show any sharing with others if the account of their social network was created for recruitment purposes. 

The most recognizable way of people working in this field on social networks is that they will share vacancies, jobs looking for candidates, even interest and join groups, recruitment sites, sharing articles on HR topics. They care and make friends with other potential candidates, as well as increase interaction with these social networking accounts. 

Social networks also provide you with an optimal function of direct communication and exchange through messages. Therefore, you will not lose anything if you actively contact by text and inquire about job opportunities for yourself.

Direct meeting

Finding them in person is also a viable method, although I still prefer the online method of work and search for now. Job fairs, career seminars, sharing of human resources on a certain topic such as job search, CV writing, etc. All these opportunities give you a chance to find a job from recruiters and contact them. 

However, be careful and think carefully about the purpose they meet with people. If it is not a working session to recruit personnel, but merely an experience sharing session or meeting between businesses to share experiences, it will be very difficult for you to have a suitable time. You can ask questions about job opportunities at that company later.


It is remiss not to mention LinkedIn, a social network that specializes only in jobs and job sharing. Whether you are a recruiter, headhunter, or an individual, signing up for a LinkedIn account is not difficult. Your job is to update the maximum information about your career professionally, increase your search and connect with recruiters or headhunters on LinkedIn and update the status you are looking for a job.

There is no social network where finding and interacting with recruiters and headhunters is as easy as LinkedIn. However, because this is a highly specialized website, most of the job postings are experienced or senior positions. 

Make as many friends as possible with recruiters and headhunters, and from time to time check out the news on the site. Who knows, there will be posting positions that are right for you.

No matter what channel you connect with headhunter and recruiters, be aware of the ability to interact directly with recruiters. You probably don’t want to send out a lot of CVs but don’t receive any opportunities because the positions have been filled or there is no longer a need to recruit. 

So being able to connect with them to find out information will save you from waiting and hoping. 

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