How to organize a job fair? Guidances

how to organize a job fair

How to organize a job fair? Job fairs are in some situations quite effective besides using recruitment websites, or social networks to find candidates. However, organizing an effective job fair is not an easy thing.

Purpose of a job fair

First of all, this is also a recruitment channel to attract and recruit candidates to the business. A job fair can be considered effective when it meets the purpose of the business. The purpose of a job fair can be:

– Building the image of the business to the community

– Build a recruitment brand

– Recruiting a large number of candidates at a time

– Connect with potential business candidates in the future

The importance of job fairs for businesses

With the rapid development of technology. Candidates have a more open environment in their job search. Access to recruiting jobs is high, and competitive pressure in attracting personnel is increasing. Not only in positions that require expertise but positions with fewer skill requirements are also gradually becoming scarce.

Job fairs help businesses solve many recruitment problems in the short and long term.

With short-term goals, it can bring businesses a large number of candidates. Especially for businesses that need to recruit a large number of employees urgently. Job fairs allow businesses to directly contact a large number of candidates, thereby having the opportunity to learn about employees’ aspirations.

In the long term, a job fair contributes to employer branding. Through the process of preparing and supporting, guiding, and answering candidates’ questions, job fairs help candidates understand a lot about the business. Things that are not in the press or on the Internet.

It also contributes to attracting future candidates. There will be a number of employees who are interested in the business but have not applied at the time. Through job fairs, they gain more information to strengthen their choices about future work.

A successful job fair not only solves immediate labor problems but also provides long-term solutions for businesses.

Where to hold a job fair?

The location of the job fair is quite important. It is necessary to know the target audience that the recruitment fair is aimed at, as well as the recruitment goals of the business to be able to determine a specific location.

If the goal of the business is to build a source of long-term candidates in the future, organize it at centers, universities, colleges, .. where many students are studying. The number of candidates attending the business may be small, but the number of students, especially final-year students interested, will be much more than in other locations.

If the goal is to promote the business to the community, you can choose to organize it right at the business. Note that if choosing a venue for the event right at the business, it is necessary to prepare carefully and properly in terms of images from the inside. This is an excellent opportunity for candidates to know the future workplace and the cultural, and technological environment, .. right at the company itself.

And one of the other ways is to organize online. With the organization of an online job fair, it is necessary to clearly define the audience to invite to attend. Besides, ensure that the Internet connection and the software can operate conveniently. This approach also requires a really experienced program leader and is more applicable to answering questions from candidates who already know the business, rather than a random audience.

What do you need to prepare to organize a job fair?

First, clearly understand what the goal of your business when organizing that job fair is. This is really important, if the basic goal is not confirmed, the job fair can become completely useless compared to other recruitment channels.

Clearly define your target audience. Who do you want your job fair to serve? Be organized and choose the right options to attract that audience. Choosing the wrong audience means you will not have candidates for today and in the future.

How many do you need to recruit? In what locations? When to recruit? Please clarify a list of open positions with a job description. Let the consulting team fully understand the positions before talking to candidates about the position they are interested in.

How much does a job fair cost? Think carefully about the expense item. If the average cost to attract an employee is too large, you can completely refer to other recruitment channels. Recruitment cost is always an issue to consider before choosing any recruitment channel.

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