Important job channels to apply for

job channels

Finding the right job channels to apply for is a very important factor in job hunting.

The article “How to start looking for a job” is specifically for students who are about to graduate and helps to see what is needed for themselves. It’s a guided journey to help you better seize your first job search. It is the beginning of the career path of young people.

However, all your efforts will be in vain no matter how excellent you are, if you do not have a suitable CV. “Write CV in the recruiter’s language” is the fastest way for HR professionals to understand you. That article includes details of each sub-item in how to write a CV, which you can refer to HERE.

A suitable CV gives you a new opportunity. If your CV is not selected, all your experience and qualifications will not be known. You will not have the space to show off to the recruiter. And the door will close. Preparing a good CV will be a decisive factor in determining whether you find a new opportunity.

And once you have a good CV, you will start looking for job opportunities. In that process, many of you will experience information interference. Finding the right recruitment channel is crucial to applying to the right people for the right jobs. And in the article “Confusion of recruitment information and solution” provides you with reference sources.

With the current trend of technology development, the job channel develops and promises to bring many solutions, and opportunities for you to access more sources of information about jobs than ever before. HR work has never been more open, transparent, and accessible than it is now.

However, to make it easier for you to understand which sites you should look for a job, here are statistics on job search channels that you should refer to.

Traditional job channels (offline)

These recruitment channels have been around for a long time. Some are slowly becoming forgotten, but their effects are still there. As

  • Newspaper. An age-old choice when you need to consult recruitment information. The information is very authentic and political. Although newspapers are no longer popular with young people, they are still a reliable source.
  • Employment Service Centers. The center has the function of introducing jobs, guiding vocational training registration, etc. Some centers have very good links with businesses. They also organize periodic job fairs for workers to access businesses. The information is very authentic.
  • Self-organized job fairs. If you are interested in a particular business and want to work (maybe because of its reputation, culture, referrals, etc.) then this is a good opportunity. You participate in job fairs organized by businesses and directly talk and learn with employers of the business. In addition, the number of vacancies at these job fairs is quite large.

Most importantly, you need to know who these traditional recruitment channels are aimed at. Which channel will be reliable and informative do you expect. You can read more about those articles HERE

Internal recruitment channel

Internal recruitment sources mostly come from relatives and acquaintances. In general, this recruitment channel is quite reliable in terms of information. If the referrer is working in the business itself, it will be even better. See if the referrer works in the same department that requires personnel. This factor greatly determines your success, as well as the coordination later.

Online job channels

Much stronger development than traditional channels. Convenient, useful, and saves a lot of time for candidates. However, because the online world is quite large, you also need certain skills to find information. Some popular job channels are:

  • Social networking sites. It can be mentioned as prominent as Facebook, or LinkedIn. Each channel will target different audience groups. You need to be skilled at finding information on this free social network. Besides, it is equally important to evaluate whether the recruitment channel is reliable, worth following, or not.
  • Recruitment websites. There are quite a few job websites out there. Just go to Google and search for the keyword “famous job website” and there will be more than one billion results appearing. However, one point is worth noting on job websites. That is, each website will serve a different group of businesses. There are only a few that cater to the entire corporate audience. To find out where you want to be in the supported group. Some industry-specific job websites you should also learn by yourself for information. I do not share any specific website name, because the choice is yours.
  • Websites of companies. Some large businesses will have a recruitment section on their own website. In general, the source from here is considered the best quality and most worthy of reference.

One of the skills you should have in the job search process is identifying information and searching for information. You need to guess which recruitment channels businesses use. Besides, finding a suitable recruiter to apply for is also very important. You need to find out where the recruiters are online.

Headhunter channel

This recruitment channel is very advanced and is for those who have a lot of experience or are especially rare in the job market. You need to distinguish the difference between headhunter and internal recruitment. This will help you get more satisfactory job opportunities. Because each internal recruiter or headhunter will bring completely different opportunities.

Opportunity from the initiative

The general recruitment process from reading job postings, making CVs, applying for jobs, and waiting for interviews is outdated. We have less time to do more. So instead of going online every day to read job news or look for a job. Why don’t we look for work in the proactive strategy?

It’s about connecting with a few headhunters who have a good network so they can recommend the right opportunities. You can also tell people you trust about your intention to find a new job.

Most importantly, consider whether to upload your CV online. There will be many companies, recruiters, and headhunters accessing your CV even when you are taking a nap or doing something else. Just upload your CV to job sites or LinkedIn, and opportunities will sometimes find you. 

Remember not to let your boss know this if you are still working at the old company if you feel they will not be happy.

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