Internal recruitment. Is it easy to find?

Internal recruitment

Internal recruitment is a powerful method for recruiters to look for candidates. In aspects of the candidate, is it reliable? Why candidates should care about this information and how to find it?

Is internal recruitment news reliable?

Internal recruitment sources from people working in the business sometimes need to be considered and verified. It is not here to mention whether the trust of the referrer is high or not. What I really want to emphasize and explore is the lack of information. 

It can come from the role of the information sharer in the enterprise, aspects outside of recruitment communication and reporting, and the frequency-related issue of job content changes. In essence, it is an information gap between the nature of the job content and the level of knowledge about that job from the person who introduced you.

Who shares information with you?

The authenticity of the source of internal recruitment information can come from the role of the information holder and sharer. You receive a job referral from the manager of the position itself. I firmly believe that this is an extremely important and accurate source of information. 

In the position of managing and recruiting human resources, the recommenders almost know for sure what they need to build a strong team, and who will fit the criteria that they set out to complete into work goals. This referrer role is likely to provide a reliable source of information.

In addition, people who work recruiting for the same business also can possess very valuable information. Accepting applications and choosing from among them to transfer to a department manager is the traditional task of recruiters.

If you were contacted by a recruiter and introduced to a job opportunity that you were not aware of before, there is a high chance that they have noticed that you have very suitable points for the company or job for which they are looking for candidates. 

The fact that employers from a passive state proactively introduce jobs to candidates is one of the typical signs that you have a very high chance to do that job.

External Information Job Description

Problems that lie outside of reporting and recruitment communication are one of the factors that make information confusing. As a department manager or business owner, I believe you fully understand the shortcomings and the points that need to be overcome to improve the business. 

The problems are not only in the subjective aspects of working processes, finding customers, and finance, it is also sometimes related to training aspects, corporate culture, and human resource policies. In which, the aspect related to people is considered the most complex and difficult to solve. 

These issues will certainly not be communicated even within the company such as staff layoffs, performance pay cuts, problems with working hours, bonus policies, etc. And these are obvious. will never be mentioned in job postings.

Frequency of changing job content

The frequency of changing job content is one of the factors that cause information interference that even the people who are working in the company who want to introduce the job to you can’t anticipate. In the increasingly competitive business world, with access to vast amounts of information, things are always moving and changing. 

Even the job descriptions at the HR department sometimes don’t update all the changes in job positions over time. Rapid change and the huge amount of information, and the enhanced competitive environment make jobs always updated, changed, and enhanced than before. These changes, if updated periodically, will make everyone aware of changes in the job nature of the position. However, in practice, this has not been given much attention.

So to determine the authenticity of an insider’s source of information, find out how much the people you share with you know about the position they refer to. That will be the most important thing to know if you are really the right fit for the business and the position itself.

Why should a candidate pay attention to?

Dig deeper into the information a referrer has to recommend you a job – insider job postings. So what’s so reliable about this announcement and why should we care about it?

Focus on internal human resources

Firstly, it can be said that the internal recruitment announcement is aimed at the target group of relatives and acquaintances of people working at the company. Some of you will feel it is local, somewhat selfish when not publishing the information to the outside for many other people to apply for. 

Regardless of whether or not more information is published on the websites, the goal that the internal recruitment announcements are aimed at is the people who can be suitable for the job and reduce the screening time.

The job description is accurate

Usually, because the people working in the enterprise know the internal recruitment announcements, through their daily activities and work, they partly understand the job vacancies that need to be recruited in the enterprise.

Even if they don’t understand these potential referrals, they can directly talk to the head of the department, the professional department needs to recruit people. Through this form, they can share with potential candidates information much more realistic than job descriptions.

Cultural fit

Internal communications represent a part of a business’s culture and are a source of select individuals with the right values. When information is transmitted from people in the business itself, the company culture will find the right individuals. 

Because corporate culture is a difficult topic for every business. A lot of units want to build their business in the direction they want, but really in my personal opinion, it depends a lot on the leader. Because employees in the business will be based on the actions and behaviors and values ​​of managers and leaders to adapt.

Gradually it becomes a habit or pattern of reacting and dealing with problems and communication. For those who have never worked at the company, through the process of exchanging as well as finding out with the introducer, they can partly imagine the values ​​that the business expects from its employees. 

For example, if you want to work on time, but the business often has a culture of overtime, it will be difficult for the two to get along. Small things, but have a big impact on what you expect from a working environment. And internal recruitment allows candidates to access information about corporate culture early before they officially enter the job.

Reliable information

Information on internal announcements is more reliable than most online newspapers or recruitment websites. The reason I can confirm this is because it is more up-to-date and timely than most information on the internet. 

When reading job postings and applying for jobs online, it can be difficult to tell if a position is actually hiring. This is the key point. Quite a few businesses have recruited suitable candidates, but recruitment information still exists.

That’s not to mention there are changes in human resource needs, maybe today that position is urgently needed, but the next day, another friend in the business is transferred to do that position. Naturally, that vacancy is filled and the recruitment information is still lost somewhere, you still apply and do not receive any response to the interview appointment. 

In addition, the recommenders can completely ask the human resources department or the hiring manager whether at the time of introducing you, they still really need the candidate or not. Information becomes much more two-way and perfect.

Businesses really need people

Internal announcements show that the business really needs personnel. Especially businesses that application programs such as “referral bonus”. It can be understood simply that if an employee in the company successfully introduces a candidate to work and after a certain period, the employee who introduces that candidate will receive bonuses from the company. 

This form is especially popular with positions where human resources are scarce, difficult to recruit, or the demand for human resources at a time is too high. With spending money for each vacancy, one thing can be certain the company’s need for personnel is real. And when it’s real and you’re referred, you’ve got a chance.

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