Why is the job description different from reality?

job description

The job description you applied for in theory – through job postings or press releases, referrals, and in practice – when you started working is not quite the same. Sometimes it is “far from the imagination”.

Do you sometimes find yourself falling into situations somewhere around you through your own work, or sharing about the work of relatives and friends? The reality is that there is a difference between the job description and the actual work, and this difference is more or less dependent on many factors.

The job description has not been updated

How long has it been since recruiters last updated your job description? Some businesses write Job Descriptions for the first time and then forget about updating them periodically. This leads to the changes in positions in each department due to the objective operation of each other, but only the internal work of that department can be grasped.

For large-scale businesses with a huge number of positions, the lack of updating job descriptions can lead to what you are interviewed for or hired to work completely differently from others what is described in the job postings?

With the function of storing and regularly updating changes in organizational structure and job descriptions of titles, the human resources department of the enterprise, if not paying attention to this issue, will make the Job Description obsolete, no longer valid as a basis for establishing recruitment information and criteria. And it’s not entirely your fault that you misunderstood the position in the first place but from the company itself.

The understanding of recruiters

To what extent do human resource workers understand the details of the job they are recruiting for? It will also be a factor in determining how far apart the job description and reality are.

Some businesses have not even written a job description that can be based on documents of corporations or similar companies in the industry. The lack of understanding of the organization and especially copying and assembling ideas from units with different contexts and conditions make that job description not truly reflect what you need to do if recruited for the position.

The level of understanding and analysis of the job description of the vacancy for HR officers is very important. Misinterpreted or not close to what the position actually does, the outside media about the vacancy can be deflected from potential candidates.

Does the job description cover all the duties in a position? The answer will always be no.

And importantly, what is done regularly, most importantly is fully reflected in the Job Description or not. You won’t be able to ask for a Job Description that lists everything you need to do day by day, hour by hour.

Therefore, there will be unexpected, arising, irregular tasks or side tasks that you need to happily take on. As long as it is not personal but serves the common goal of the company.

However, be careful with some titles that have too many sub-tasks that the main functions are not clearly expressed. From a personal point of view, the job postings with the job content as “exchange at interview” will often have a lot of this type of case.

Does the business often change?

Do the company and the job you’re applying for are constantly changing or constantly improving?

The information technology era makes the business environment more dynamic and places more emphasis on continuous improvement for long-term success. And those improvements sometimes bring about certain changes in the orientation of the business and at work.

Quarterly, annual meetings with financial reports on business results can be the source of organizational changes in response to changes and new conditions from the outside. Even those who are working in the business, but next year the content of the job may not be the same as when they first got the job.

However, new jobs or knowledge mostly originate from previous knowledge bases. So as long as you have a solid understanding of the work background and knowledge of your area of ​​expertise, there is nothing to worry about changes or gaps between the job description and the actual work you will do.

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