Job fair – the chance to ask questions directly

job fair

In addition to a job fair organized by Employment Service Center, we will occasionally come across job fairs organized by a self-employed business. So what are the job opportunities at such festivals?

The first thing that I want to talk about is the cost. Usually, it is much more cost-effective to publish your news in newspapers (including traditional newspapers and online newspapers) than to organize a job fair. 

You can imagine instead of composing well-organized recruitment information and sending it to the newspapers, posting the job, checking the information, and then paying the cost. This is something that you can do independently, with not too much time spent on it. However, when doing a job fair, businesses will enter a more complicated story.

What resources for job fairs are used? Because job fairs an individual cannot stand out to do all the stages, and it requires very close coordination from many departments. 

From departments that need to recruit personnel to departments related to campaign communication, logistics, preparation, and support personnel are present at the job fair to welcome, guide, and support candidates. 

The number of enterprise’s human resources involved in preparation and implementation can be seen to be very large. That is not to mention the costs of renting a hall, a center to organize, costs of communication, logistics… A large part of the shared resources to complete an event only lasts one to two days.

The reason why businesses accept to invest in job fairs in terms of personnel is usually that the demand for human resources at a time is too huge. Instead of the traditional way of posting job postings, screening resumes, interviewing, etc., now all stages from screening resumes to job interviews and selections can be done in just one to two days.

The demand for human resources here is reflected in two aspects: quantity and time of need with a large number of personnel needed to recruit in many positions, along with the usual time to receive vacancies is in a short period. 

You can imagine a supermarket that is about to open, a tourist area that is about to enter the peak season, a factory that is about to expand production, etc. The implementation of a job fair seems to be a quite solution effective in recruiting staff.

So what are the opportunities for candidates at these festivals and what are the advantages of participating? We can consider several factors such as the opportunity to interact with employers, the number of jobs being recruited, and the experience required for the positions.

As for the opportunity to interact with employers, job fairs give candidates a great opportunity to interact with recruiters. Here, candidates can refer to a lot of useful information about the company and the positions being recruited. 

Through face-to-face communication, candidates will probably have more information about a vacancy than the information posted online. Some businesses can even advise you on which position will be suitable for you in the company before deciding to apply and interview.

The number of jobs being hired is one of the most important and differentiating factors between company-organized job fairs and other forms of recruitment. It will be redundant if a business only recruits a few positions but spends a large investment cost for a job fair. 

Usually, the number of candidates that need to be recruited is high and the diverse vacancies are a characteristic and opportunity for those who are looking for a job at a job fair. With a large number of recruitments at a time, it seems that employers will not be too strict with the recruitment criteria set out compared to other forms of recruitment.

Experience required for vacancies in general at job fairs will not be high. Normally, at job fairs, 80% of the jobs posted will be for candidates with little or no experience

Recruiters will find it very difficult to find a large number of candidates with skills and experiences within a day or two. Besides technical or specialist positions, a large number of untrained employees will be the target audience of employers.

Therefore, whether you are a professional or untrained worker in the corporate environment, job fairs organized by businesses themselves are a good choice, enriching your search opportunities for your job. 

With the development of technology, job fairs are not only fixed at one location but can also be held online on the Internet. The implementation may be different, but in terms of nature and target audiences, I personally think there won’t be too much of a difference.

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