Job introduction and the value inside

job introduction

Job introduction is also a recruitment channel. It is really useful if we can use it in the right approach.

Who provides you with job introduction information?

Relatives and acquaintances recommending jobs are not a rare story in the job search process. It is a relative, acquaintance, or friend of yours who knows you are looking for a job. And by chance that person knows a few career opportunities that might be right for you where he or she is working or in a relationship. 

Usually, that person will actively talk to you about this job opportunity to see if you are interested in and want to apply for it. This is also considered a recruitment channel and really has certain effects on your career.

The reason why this recruitment source is effective is that the people who want to introduce job opportunities to you may be working or know a lot of inside information related to the position that the business is looking for. 

Job descriptions or job requirements posted on regular recruitment channels cannot cover all aspects of the job. There are many cases where the job description is no longer relevant and has not been updated after a long time because the department has a change in function and duties. 

Sometimes it’s a new company and positions often change the job content dynamically to adapt and survive. Or sometimes it is the person doing the HR department who doesn’t really understand all the job positions that the business is recruiting for, leading to inaccurate content communication.

Relatives and acquaintances can reduce somewhat the imperfection of the above information. They can be in contact with personnel, even heads of departments that need to recruit people, directors of businesses, .. and somewhat grasp the reality of what that business needs. 

Not to mention the environment and internal relationships are a piece of information that sometimes the referrals can completely share with you, and the job postings do not mention this aspect at all. 

Another factor is that through referrals your resume will definitely get more attention than applications from outside. It could be due to the influence, relationships, and other factors the referrer has over the business or individuals with decision-making power.

The most valuable point of finding a job through the introduction of relatives and acquaintances is the extremely valuable inside information. No matter how many job postings you read, the things that belong to the internal category of the business will never be shown or shown objectively on the message boards. 

The good part is what employers want candidates to see about a job. But relationships, corporate culture, work characteristics, and of course sometimes limitations or areas for improvement. 

When looking for a job, we believe so much in the benefits and regimes that we forget that the environment and development opportunities, work culture also have a very important influence on our ability to stick with a job for a long time. That does not include the salary rank of the position.

If someone recommends you for a job, try to get a share of the above factors.

Recommended by acquaintances to work in the same department?

It would be great to have an acquaintance recommend you to work in the very department or position that you are planning to apply for or have the opportunity to find. Then there will be two possibilities: you and that person will have a colleague or superior-subordinate relationship. Either way, it gives you a pretty nice and positive result.

Your boss wants you to work together

If the person who wants to introduce you to the position is working as the manager of the room, or the direct manager of the introduced position. 

For example, you have known a person in a certain field for a long time and suddenly today he or she is talking to you about an opportunity to work within the department that he or she is managing. I believe this will not be so rare in the labor market. 

Really congratulate you if you are in such a situation. That’s because the referrer is appreciating you and your fit for their team. Instead of demanding the human resources department to find candidates, or sometimes there is already a search but no one matches the criteria set out, you are a perfect choice. 

The recommender has a certain confidence in your ability as well as your adaptability to the job, and the new team and can boldly talk to you about their department. 

By working for a boss who already knows you, you will spend less time getting used to the work style and personality of the managers. Not to mention you’ll be able to feel more comfortable exchanging ideas, and personal goals, and more likely to be facilitated later on.

Colleagues care about you

When the referral is a person whose role could be your future co-worker, this is not bad at all. Work coordination, team spirit, and the ability to interact and share between the two of you will be much more favorable. Starting a new job affirms there will be many surprises and it takes time to get used to. 

No matter how closely your superiors follow you, they cannot spend too much time each day with you, because besides them many other employees and goals need to be accomplished. Since a lot of the time at work is spent interacting with peers, having a potential coworker recommend a job also means getting a lot of support from that person. 

In addition, the good handling of internal relationships as well as receiving a lot of advice and sharing about work, the department gives you a much better attitude and accomplishes personal work goals. 

However, this depends a lot on whether the management of that department chooses you to work or not because basically, colleagues will not be the ones to decide on personnel selection.

Employees want to have a boss like you

And what if that referral is looking for… his own boss. In this situation, at first, you need to carefully pay attention to many different factors. 

Not only the respect and trust that the recommender recommends you but many other factors should also be considered such as the function and mission of that department, the size of the company, the software system used, the development direction, etc. to get a more comprehensive view. 

In normal management positions, they will no longer go into the details of each task, but instead, their working time may include many aspects of coordination, cohesion, communication, the distribution division of work, etc. Therefore, the higher the position, the more information you need to refer to.

Either way, it’s always a great thing to be referred for a job in the recommender’s department because it proves to some extent the recognition of your ability and suitability.

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