Job posting sites of companies. How to apply

Job Posting Sites

Many large enterprises have been perfecting their own job posting sites. Job vacancies are instead posted on paid recruitment channels and are charged annually or per job posting. Now, everything is managed by the individual business on its own website or online tool. And this is really a very effective recruitment channel.

Usually, on these websites, businesses will develop a section about recruitment. In it, some of the candidate’s questions (FAQs) such as how to apply to the company, benefits, and policies at the most general and general level that employees can receive when entering work. 

The website also introduces the working environment and corporate cultural values. That is one of the most common points that a self-built recruitment website will include the above basic content. Depending on the orientation of the business and the human resources department, the information will be introduced to employees from different perspectives. 

The recruitment website is not only a place to publish information related to vacancies, but it is also a place for businesses to express their own identity about their personal culture and working environment message to the external workforce about the company’s image.

Most of us can hardly find a small business building its own recruitment website, except for businesses operating in the field of Information Technology. 

The number of employees recruited in a business cycle – usually a year – will be a factor to consider whether the company should systematically build a recruitment website system, or can include it into a small section of the company’s website with a job posting section.

For businesses with little change in the structure of the number of employees, building a website dedicated to recruitment can lead to the possibility that throughout the year there will only be a few posts about vacancies. This will leave the website quite empty and not attract the amount of interaction needed for candidates to update information.

Recruitment websites are really an effective tool for large businesses with a large number of annual recruitments, and spanning many different geographical areas. The number of regular visitors to the website, the number of vacancies, the diversity of locations and regions, working locations, etc.

A recruitment website implements an all-in-one strategy, from contents, description of job position, place of work, etc. to how to contact the employer directly.

Everything is managed and transmitted by the admin of the website, usually the human resources department. The people who know the company best and have the moments and shares of values ​​are most relevant. 

In addition, when the recruitment website is set up and managed by the enterprise itself, the content on it about the vacancies can be claimed to be the most up-to-date and up-to-date compared to other information sources. 

The reliability of these information sources can also be said to be the highest of all recruitment channels.

Full content management and communication power are some of the points that make self-built recruitment websites more attractive than ever.

Interaction with the website is one of the top factors that a business should consider when building a recruitment website. The most important thing about a website is that other people must know about it. 

And only when people know about it, the website gets a significant amount of information traffic. Among those visits will be potential candidates and the right people for the business.

However, letting other people really know about the recruitment website of the business is still a point that recruiters or people working in human resources need to pay attention to. 

It depends on many factors such as the “hotness” of the business, the ability to communicate and market the business brand, the reputation of the environment and the company’s culture, etc.

As a job candidate, finding out if the company you are interested in has a recruitment website is really important because of the points I mentioned above. Find and prioritize it as the number one source of information before looking for more information from other sources. 

However, it is also important to note whether the business really cares for the self-built recruitment website or not. There are many unfinished projects and times when businesses forget the recruitment channel that they have worked so hard to build, for many reasons related to development orientation, technology, cost, etc.

The best way for you to see whether that website is really “live” is to check when the most recent post was, and how often between posts on the website “regardless of content” is. 

These will be two important clues to really check whether the business still pays much attention to that recruitment website. You will not have the opportunity to work at a business if you apply to the wrong recruitment channel.

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