Job postings on LinkedIn. How to know?

Job postings on LinkedIn

Job postings on LinkedIn are worth paying attention to. Finding a job on LinkedIn is a pretty good idea. It’s a social network that focuses on job seekers, and posts job-related content. You can use the search engine and search “LinkedIn” there will be a lot of detailed and specific articles about this recruitment channel.

Who is suitable for LinkedIn?

First, it is suitable for positions with seniority, rare skills, or senior management. Really, these are not the constraints or limitations of LinkedIn for users, but the site itself is a gathering place for many managers and professionals. Accompanied by a large community of internal recruiters and headhunters.

If you are a recent graduate or nothing special, getting a profile on LinkedIn can be really difficult. And recruiters rarely use this channel to recruit groups of inexperienced users. Because there are quite a few channels that can be used more effectively.

English is required

You should prepare yourself a relatively good English to be able to use it easily. In addition, because Linkedin is a global social network, most of the shares and articles are in English. You can connect with anyone in the world as long as they have a Linkedin account and agree to communicate with you.

Job opportunities will not be confined to the country, but also internationally. And since you can only see people in the “network” – your network posts content. So try to connect with as many recruiters, Headhunts, or experts in your area of ​​interest as possible.

These connections are valuable and provide you with valuable reference information. LinkedIn is not only a recruitment channel, it is also a channel for updating information and sharing useful information.

Many Recruiters and Headhunter

Many businesses have appeared on LinkedIn and job information for some positions will be posted here. You can perform the search function and a list of business jobs will appear. When you try to do that, a list of jobs you are interested in will appear, and most of them are written in English.

Not only jobs of experts, but some jobs for new graduates also are still available and most of them require a good background, at least a foreign language (English).

But LinkedIn not only has job content on the search engine but recruiters or Headhunters can also still share jobs on individual posts. So when you want to search for jobs on LinkedIn, make the most of connections with recruiters and Headhunters in your field of work.

And it’s even better when you’re looking for recruiters at the businesses you’re keeping an eye on. Connect and follow them, regularly read posts, share, and interact with them.

Profiles are very important when looking for jobs on LinkedIn

But to connect with recruiters and Headhunters on LinkedIn is also a point you need to pay attention to. That is, build your Profile properly and professionally. The profile is no different from your CV and is public to all Linkedin users.

You can choose not to show your phone number, but try to make sure that recruiters or people who aren’t already connected with you can still find a way to contact you (perhaps via email, for example). . Profile Linkedin has a lot of detailed content, the categories are designed to be easy to understand, and you should try to fill in your information as completely as possible.

Especially the skills section and related qualifications, certificates of merit, achievements… In addition, because Linkedin has a public function that you are looking for a job, if you are really looking for a job, do not hesitate to open it. this mode so that recruiters can notice you.

When you want to connect with someone, especially recruiters, one of their habits is to see your Profile first. And an unprofessional Profile can make them not agree to connect with you.

But if what you search for and the job postings you read are not directed at your Profile, switch from passive to active. If you have ideas, expertise, professions, or opinions, don’t hesitate to add them to your profile. Anything that can build a personal brand is worthwhile on LinkedIn.

Getting noticed on LinkedIn will bring a lot of new career opportunities. And it’s always welcome to set yourself apart from other candidates in a positive way. Make employers notice you by marketing yourself professionally.

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