Marketing and recruitment. How to combination

marketing and recruitment

Marketing and recruitment have a perfect combination. Recruitment advertising plays an increasingly important role in attracting candidates. Technology and marketing in recruitment will gradually become the mandatory tools that every recruiter and every human resource officer must master.

If the job of marketing is to attract and convert interested people into customers. Recruitment will be the job of attracting candidates, turning them into potential people who can work for the business in the future. And that’s backed up by a lot of technology and a little bit of marketing.

The concept of Talent Acquisition is no longer new in the HR profession. But to make it easier for you to imagine, it replaces traditional recruitment with a continuous process of describing human resources, building relationships, and selecting the right candidates for the business.

Not only performing traditional recruitment tasks, but Talent Acquisition also pays much attention to building the recruitment brands of enterprises. Besides, the process of expanding the source of potential candidates for the organization. These jobs are long-term and require a lot of analytical tools, evaluation, and long-term development strategies.

And these activities mostly use popular social networking platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Youtube. Skills in using social networks become a prerequisite in making the connection between businesses and potential candidates. Recruitment advertising becomes very important.

When your business grows to a certain extent, with an increasingly large number of employees. The system will be used in human resource management. A human resource management system requires human resources personnel to have certain skills in understanding the system and the analytical tools that the system provides.

If it is not possible to analyze the data collected from candidates, employers will be disoriented entirely about whether the proposed recruitment strategies are appropriate or not. What are the adjustments for future recruiting programs?

Data management that is not optimized or just using simple excel systems will no longer be enough to meet the needs of businesses operating in multiple industries. The emerging on-demand recruitment trends are gradually becoming obsolete compared to long-term candidate attraction strategies.

And why marketing is becoming increasingly important to employers. Quite a few of you will think that there are dozens of people looking for a job out there. And a country’s unemployment rate never goes back to 0%. This is absolutely true and I have nothing to refute.

But let’s take a close look at the occupations that have been in short supply over the years. Programming before the Covid epidemic happened was an extremely “hot” industry, and during the pandemic, the need to recruit human resources for this industry is increasing. And see how recruiters in the Programming industry do to attract candidates.

Invest a lot in “content” – the messages conveyed to candidates. Being creative in making recruitment media images, even making videos or dubbing existing videos about the information conveyed to candidates, etc. Everything IT recruiters do is show a trend in the direction that they have integrated a number of Marketing concepts and practices into their recruitment advertising.

And are you sure that the industry you are working in will never become as scarce as the Programming industry? If you are not sure, recruiters should consult a little more knowledge about marketing right now.

And for candidates, job information is no longer so scarce or hard to find for them. As the selection of candidates is increasing, employers need to put more effort into building and attracting candidates with long-term investment strategies.

Especially if the business needs many candidates with rich knowledge and skills, who possess rare skills, or are simply difficult to find in the labor market. The human resource market will still have people every month who are sought after by many businesses, as well as many people who just want a job opportunity.

But the development trend of the recruitment profession will also follow the rotation of technology development and the integration of new tools into the working process. It was an inevitable evolution. Or you will be eliminated when going against the general development.

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