Marriage status in CV. Is it important?

marriage status

Marriage status in CV is one of the pieces of information that I have received in the past asking whether this information should be included in my CV. And what role does the marriage aspect play in the judgments of recruiters?

Marriage changes you

The first thing that I want to share is that marriage will help you change your personality and people quite a lot. This change is more responsible, and more complete in terms of personality and thinking. 

If you live a single life, your thoughts will be much more relaxed and liberal than a married person. This mindset is independent, has a wild disposition, and has not undergone much emotional management training. 

Marriage is an association where two separate individuals decide to live together, sharing thoughts and responsibilities with both sides of the family. Besides, the two sides will regularly adjust their actions and thoughts to be compatible and in harmony with each other. 

Therefore, an idea that employers often identify is “marriage will make personality and people more complete”.

Financial status is more concerned

Marriage leaves you with certain financial constraints. 

This is especially true for those of you who already have children. Instead of before, you are free to spend and use the money on whatever you like. You can even take a long break from work when you have accumulated a certain amount of money to serve your passions such as traveling, taking photos, and experiencing different ways of life. 

This is difficult to maintain when you are married. One of the most noticeable characteristics of single and married people at the same income level is that married people are more cautious with their spending. 

At this time, they already have many other goals such as building a house, raising children, settling down, etc. and the attention paid to past pleasures seems to have decreased a lot.

Ability to dedicate

Another aspect of the married candidate that makes employers a little concerned, is your ability to contribute. Quite a lot of work today is about having to appear and handle it on time, working shifts, having overtime, .. These location and time constraints are not a problem for single people. 

However, for those who are married and especially have small children, some of the above jobs do not seem to be really suitable. 

Employers do not intend to distinguish between married and unmarried people in their marriage information. What I want to convey here is that they are afraid that hiring you will affect your personal life, raise a family and thereby affect the completion of work.

Does marriage status in CV affect job choice?

Through what can be shared, it can be seen that having a family or not having a family does not really affect the recruitment of personnel too much, because each situation has its pluses and minuses. 

It is important that you find a job where your current marital status does not affect your work-life balance. That’s the point

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