Mission, vision, and core values in job search

mission, vision, and core values

Mission, vision, and core values is an important factors of a company

What are the mission, vision, and core values?

One of the aspects that are quite abstract, heavy on doctrine, and a bit confusing compared to other common concepts when you access the information introduction of a business, is the mission, vision, and core values. Not every company will formulate these concepts, but if the business does, let’s try to find out a little bit about what they are and how they affect employees.

First, the mission is the reason the business exists. In other words, when you read into a mission statement, you will understand what the business wants to bring to the community. Usually, it is a service, solving a personal problem, providing a way… to make people’s lives better and more comfortable. It brings smiles and satisfaction to people because of what the business has to offer. A mission that will be community-driven and community service.

A vision is what the business sets as a goal to achieve within a certain period of time, but not short term. That is the goal that every organization is aiming for, and is one of the important factors determining the strategies of the business.

Common visions will be very inspiring, and motivating and often aim for great goals such as “leading”, “best”, “number one”, … within a certain range. that the business is aiming for. Clarifying the vision, businesses have a guideline to decide how and how to serve their community.

Core values, the factor that I leave last will be the focus that we should learn and analyze. That’s because it has the greatest impact on the workers within the organization itself. Therefore, it will be one of the factors that you should learn, and consult a little to understand more about the business. Core values ​​here are understood as a guide to the actions and values ​​that the business is aiming for.

It is like a culture, the things that the business is recognized as a right, the standard for the behavior that takes place inside the business. These core values ​​certainly do not go against customs, do not break social moral standards, and are not a religious contagion. It is just a way that when an individual in the business is about to act, they will base it on making the right decision.

Imagine a business with a core value of “creative” and we are used to following the available guidelines or referring to them online. Yes, we and the company do not belong together. Another example is a business that values ​​”blood and fire” to work hard, and we are used to a culture that values ​​performance during working hours and going home on time at the end of the day. This will cause a lot of discomforts and may not be able to adapt to the way the business works.

However, in reality, not all businesses have core values ​​that accurately reflect the actual values ​​of the business. Core values ​​are sometimes the values ​​​​that the executive, the business owner wants to achieve, not necessarily what already exists in the way all members interact with each other.

For values ​​to be condensed and standardized into a kind of internal culture, it takes a long, persistent process and the example of managers. Ordinary employees will look to managers to learn, and a core value is only truly lived when leaders persistently pursue and correct behavior in the organization.

And as a job seeker, sometimes you don’t put too much emphasis on core corporate values ​​or corporate culture. Basically, we can change and adjust our behavior gradually to suit what the business expects.

However, if the change is too painful and “not worth it”, boldly give up. We don’t need eight hours at work and try to perpetuate things that we personally don’t believe in, can’t regulate, or have too much of an impact on our personality. Because somewhere out there, there will be a suitable place for each of us.

Where to find information about the company’s mission, vision, and core values? How to refer to it

Finding information about the company’s direction, vision, mission, and short- and medium-term plans is not easy. And most of us can ignore all these factors when looking for a job. Basically, because we are passively unemployed and just want a job.

However, if we are already employed and actively looking for a better opportunity, it would be better to learn a little more about the real business. It’s like we find out enough information about an object before getting acquainted.

Usually, the mission, vision, and core values ​​of a business will be stated on the business website in the company introduction. Here, you can also find the history of formation and development, important milestones of the business, information about the company’s board of directors, departments or business philosophy, etc. Refer to a bit of information and if you can memorize it, it will be better.

Some recruiters may like to ask questions like “what do you know about our company,” and knowing the above information and reporting it to the employer can show the employer Your seriousness when looking for a job, as well as your genuine interest in the business.

The company’s short-term and medium-term plans, you can find in the development orientation or similar content about the plan posted on the website. However, most of the plans of a business are rarely public and shared, it is quite useful to refer to online newspapers about business and business activities.

There are many writers who have the ability to observe an extremely well business and make judgments about development or activities. They even make forecasts about businesses, market share, development, etc. We can consult information from these sources.

Besides, if the enterprise is a public company (joint-stock company) and is listed on the stock exchange, reading the annual or quarterly reports of the enterprise, the explanations or discussions at the general meetings Shareholders also have the ability to tell us something about the direction of a business.

Businesses with good orientation and development will have many opportunities. Businesses that are still struggling to find a specific direction are often fickle, and you need flexibility, patience, and risk-taking to stay in these businesses.

In fact, the company’s human resource needs will depend on the size and development of the business. The fact that you work in a stable business means you will accept that your promotion opportunities will not be many. New management positions do not arise, the current management team has good capacity and the operation is stable.

It will be difficult for those of you who have ambitions to be promoted to management positions in businesses like this. Choose a growing business, most specifically looking at the growth rate in terms of staff size (For example, from 200 to 500, 1 000) as well as expansion plans, you have chosen for yourself a larger space for promotion if really trying.

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