Description of your old company in CV. Why?

old company

Have you ever wondered if recruiters know each candidate’s old company? Every month thousands of new businesses are registered as well as thousands of companies declaring bankruptcy and closing. There are always winners and losers in the business market. 

In industries that are focused on encouraging investment or attractive industries (large profit potential, protection, incentives from the government in the areas of loans, tax rates,…), each year the number of eligible businesses jumping into the industry to redistribute the piece of profit is quite large. 

That’s not counting startups and hot growth businesses in several fields such as software, information technology, etc.

Therefore, it is difficult for HR to understand or fully grasp all businesses. Even companies in the market in the field in which their business is operating. Especially the fields that are often volatile and highly competitive. That is not to mention that the knowledge from other fields will also be a valley that is difficult for employers to fill. 

You can easily recognize the top companies in the industry, or businesses that are interested in the press and social networks (whether with good or bad reviews). 

In fact, this number is not as much as the number of other silent businesses. Somewhere, there are still businesses with good benefits, and high welfare but good at hiding. The candidate’s old company is always what the employer wants to understand but is difficult to fully understand.

It is not surprising that a recruiter is completely unaware of your company information. You can boast of your previous business’s good benefits, a great environment, etc., but you want to find a new experience. And really sad news to share with you that it is very likely that what you feel, the employer has no information. 

Even if your company and your team have an extremely good project or work that is known to many people, not every employer will know even though sometimes the same employer is using one of the means of life satisfaction that you provide. 

You might think recruiters would use Google, type in your company name, and start researching. With today’s rich social networking platforms and applications, finding information about a company is not difficult.

This may seem rather strange since we are actually used to all the relevant information about the individual in the CV. However, from another perspective, when you maximize the great experience from your own CV for employers, your probability of being selected will be higher. 

This is partly because the daily workload of HR people is quite large. 

You can save them time and they’ll decide faster and more clearly if you’re right for the business they’re looking for. It helps you reduce the time you go to the interview and then realize that what this business requires and expects is completely different from what you imagined.

So please note, add information about the previous business you worked for in your CV. But choose the most concise and basic information only. 

When it comes to your old company, the previous businesses that you worked for, in my opinion, the three most important factors we can share are the business name, the industry in which the business is operating, and finally, the size of the business.

The name of the business is definitely something you must include on your CV. It’s nothing too special. However, because some companies can have many different names (usually initials), for the best results, you should write the full name of the company and add quotation marks behind it (abbreviation). 

This will not confuse information or avoid the case that the business you previously worked for was very famous but you chose an uncommon name. This should especially be noted in some foreign enterprises investing outside. Quite a few businesses that translate their names sound very “strange”, but in fact, quite a few famous businesses have regional and global stature.

The industry in which the old company is operating is one of the points that recruiters are quite interested in. Why do I recommend putting it on your CV? It will affect the speculation of HR people about deciding how much skill, knowledge, or experience you have that is suitable for the job the recruiter is looking for. 

It is not uncommon for personnel, especially senior key personnel, to quit and move to another company in the same industry with a more attractive salary or higher position. This is especially true for positions that require quite a long time to understand the market, technology, etc. 

I believe that in addition to sectors that require too much investment capital, most other industries will have quite a few businesses operating in the same field, although the segment’s market may vary. 

The fact that you add information about the field of operation of the business in which you previously worked explains more clearly and will help recruiters better visualize your skills and experience.

The size of the old company is another factor that I think we should add to the CV in each business that you have worked through in the experience section. Some of you once shared with me that because the business is not famous, the scale is small, .. should ignore this information. 

Indeed, recruiters look for candidates based on fit criteria, not how great you are or how big businesses are.

If you work at the old company which is a very large and famous enterprise, I believe you are excellent when you have surpassed maybe hundreds of other candidates for the current position. 

You gather experience criteria in a seemingly perfect environment and are continually trained with ideal challenges. Standardized processes and a clear system of job descriptions and standards of procedure (SOP), and regular monitoring and adjustment of business activities to achieve standardization.

However, it does not mean that working in small companies or startups will be a disadvantage or disadvantage. 

There you will learn how to multitask in a versatile way, have more creative space and learn how to make decisions. A small business will also be much more flexible in its activities than a giant enterprise, and you will learn desires, and flexibility in activities. 

So please boldly state the size of the previous business that you worked for.

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