How to balance between a part-time job and study?

part-time job and study

One of my many sharing on topics related to learning and doing is time, especially between part-time job and study. Why do I always focus on this issue? 

Consider prioritization between part-time job and study

We should clearly determine between completing our study programs and getting a part-time job, will be our priorities. 

You can imagine, instead of completing the program in four years, if you because of your choice of work, the academic influence caused the graduation time to be extended.

It not only adversely affects your CV later, but also misses a lot of opportunities compared to other peers. Not to mention when you graduate late, let’s say during that time you find a job instead of still trying to complete your stalled programs. 

You have been able to generate a much larger amount of income than part-time work as well as richer and more diverse experiences. Therefore, please think carefully to be able to have a suitable balance between studying and working.

Part-time jobs are only really good when you can simultaneously complete school programs and have free time to add to your social knowledge. Take a look at the rest of your curriculum. Usually, you tend to find a part-time job very early, even when you have just stepped foot in school. Seriously find out the entire program of study you need to complete, and the amount of time.

Whether the courses are primarily lecture-based or research-oriented. It is a course related to background knowledge (basic knowledge), industry knowledge (in-depth knowledge), project (doesn’t need to be taught too much, but mainly research and implementation), practice (at the laboratory), school experience, or doing small projects, etc.

What I want to share here is the density of your classes, because this time is fixed. Some of you will think that it is possible to “break up” to arrange other jobs, study, and work, but I really do not recommend this. Quite a lot of subjects that I think are not important, but when you go to practice, you may regret it a bit because the knowledge is confused leading to the ability to connect and understand a problem, concept, technique, etc. . is slower than the others. I always share people always have a serious learning attitude.

Find out course information

Next, find out all the information about the courses from your previous classmates. This helps you have a better view of the goals of each subject as well as the difficulty level so that you can combine study and work. I do not encourage you to refer to the above course to find exam tips, previous year’s exam questions, lecturers’ personalities, etc. which I also often heard some young people share in the past. Those are just strategies for dealing with and overcoming the subject. 

I really want to share what you should find out here is what those subjects are for, and how they are linked. This helps you have a better view of the big picture and form a link relationship. This is really helpful and trains your skills for your future employment. It will help you reduce the time to process information, data, and knowledge significantly.

Allocate and arrange selected courses appropriately. If you do not want the volume of study to vary too much between semesters. In addition, a suitable time and volume of study allow you not to become stressed and overwhelmed with programs, minimizing the risk of having to retake/retake the subject. You will be more comfortable studying and working on your own. 

Imagine you have a part-time job, but your mind is always thinking about courses, projects, and assignments. This is very easy to make both studying and doing not achieve optimal results, but your mental health is significantly affected. Above all, health and well-being are important for learning and solving problems.

Choose the right job

Finally, choose and search for a suitable part-time job. Choosing a part-time job that doesn’t take up too much time, or allows it to be done with a flexible schedule, is considered a good option. In addition, based on the major you are pursuing, look for a related part-time job or help expand your knowledge of the major, such as small projects, or collaborator programs.

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