Personality type in finding a job. How to decide

personality type in finding a job

Personality type in finding a job often has a great influence on job search decisions. If you are unemployed and want to find a job with economic pressure on your shoulders, skip the sharing about business research. Just apply to any opportunity that exists, because it solves your most urgent and basic need – physiological needs (the basic needs of life).

If you have a good job and the need to earn money to cover your life is not too much pressure, you have a lot of time and opportunity to identify and evaluate opportunities before deciding whether to apply or not

An equally important factor and plays the most prerequisite for you to choose a business at which stage to apply for and work for. It’s your personality, your personality.

Personality is quite stable

One of the most enduring and difficult-to-change factors is a person’s personality. “A LEOPARD CAN’T / DOESN’T CHANGE ITS SPOTS”. This factor surpasses all theories and books on psychology or self-help and self-development courses. It makes your outlook on life before an object or event. And when your perspective on an object or event is formed, from deep in the mind will also arise reactions to affect that object or phenomenon in the most personal way.

It is not uncommon for us to see the same thing or phenomenon taking place, but with different individuals, their reactions to that object and phenomenon are not the same. Some people see it as nothing, some people choose to attack it, and some people choose to support it. Fear, avoidance, confrontation, … are just our own reactions when faced with phenomena and events that occur in life.

In the process of development of each person, no individual will certainly have the same circumstances and encounter the same events or phenomena. And each person will have different ways of recognizing and reacting to create a sense of security or at least alleviate the harmful effects that things and phenomena bring.

With a long period and the constant reinforcement of the response of events and phenomena, it has gradually formed different personalities and reactions of each person.

Personality influences job choice

There will be people who like challenges, there will be people who like change, and there will also be individuals who love stability. There will not be a right or wrong judgment, but a job that suits your personality or not. If you’re someone who really likes stability and has trouble adapting to change, switching jobs can be a nightmare for you.

When we move into a new business, we are forced to adapt to a new culture, new colleagues, and new workflows. Businesses that are in a stable stage are extremely suitable for you with not much change in operations, or protected businesses. The higher the barriers to competition, the lower the level of competition, and change will not be a vital factor for business prosperity.

On the contrary, individuals who are dynamic and love new things may find repetitive tasks a nightmare. They crave creativity, are passionate about change, and use it as a source of energy for activities. Choose for yourself businesses that have a lot of changes such as expansion, restructuring, or require innovation.

However, no business can last forever or maintain its sustainability and stability forever. Development and evolution are natural needs that businesses, even if they are protected, will have to gradually adapt. Regardless of your personality traits, change will always be there, sooner or later. And you always need to upgrade yourself to be able to respond to changes before being left behind.

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