Recruitment define. Changes in the new era

recruitment define

Recruitment define is one of the professions in the human resources department. This is a job that requires constant learning and has changed a lot in recent years.

Recruitment define

First, we need to understand the meaning of recruitment

Recruitment refers to the overall process of identifying, sourcing, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization. Recruitment can also refer to the processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles. Managers, human resource generalists, and recruitment specialists may be tasked with carrying out recruitment, but in some cases, public-sector employment, commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the process. Internet-based technologies which support all aspects of recruitment have become widespread, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI)


Former recruitment profession

Recruiting used to be a story where perhaps job seekers would need recruiters.

Recruitment information is not shared as widely as it is now, and everything is sometimes through small groups, insider information, or candidate referrals. A method of recruitment without social networks or the Internet has not been widely adopted.

Even the concept of candidates actively looking for jobs in earlier times seemed like a luxury. Instead, there are job proposals from agencies, departments, etc.

Recruitment define in the new era

Today, things are no longer the same, and the Internet makes the role of recruiters more diverse and more challenging than ever. Besides, there is fierce competition in a market economy with many enterprises in the industry.

Basic Functions

Today’s recruiters are no longer just collecting and screening resumes. Indeed, the most basic job of recruitment at any time is to select the most suitable candidates for the business. And since the number of candidates applying is always greater than the number of candidates, CV screening becomes one of the prerequisites for HR professionals.

Skip the positions that do not need to be screened, which are unskilled workers. Most positions that require expertise and skills require careful screening. Recruiters become the mouth of the funnel, selecting candidates before conducting interviews and selections.

But as the Internet grows and affects the way everyone works, recruiting requires more skills. If we go back to 20 years ago, after work, almost everyone can enjoy life to the fullest.

In the years when mobile phones and the Internet were not popular, labor productivity was not as high as it is now. You will not need to hold your mobile phone 24/24, with 4G ensuring connection anytime, anywhere, and responding to work even at night.

The Internet makes the pace of life and works much faster. Recruitment instead of just publishing in newspapers as before created many new working methods.

Important new skills

Candidate Database Administration

Candidate data management is a very important factor in businesses in the new era. Data analysis tools, applied online, force recruiters to have a good knowledge of how to use systems and the Internet.

Applications to support recruitment are increasing day by day, and recruitment is not just about information screening. The skills to apply tools to the job are more important than ever to reduce the time spent analyzing and processing recruitment needs and candidates’ CVs.

The grouping of candidates for the preparation of human resources for the enterprise requires employers not only to be good at analyzing but also to match the candidates closer to the actual needs of the enterprise.

Recruiting sources are expected to form candidate profiles more clearly than ever before. From there appeared the concept of the Talent Pool.

Attract candidates

And an extremely important skill of the recruitment profession is attracting candidates. You can’t do a good job recruiting if there isn’t a candidate interested in your company.

There are too many businesses, too many communication tools, and too many social networks. And even though people are actively posting jobs, advertising, etc. but in the blink of an eye, those ads or postings will disappear and many other businesses will step in to compete for quality resources.

The number of positions that require high skills may not be many, but the candidates that meet those positions are very few and do not meet the labor market.

Relationship with third parties (headhunt)

For the third-party businesses that provide labor services, Headhunter has become increasingly a reflection of the business’s need for high-quality human resources.

The choice between recruiting internally or using a third-party service is decided by businesses from time to time, but everyone will have their own strategies to attract candidates to their side. And this cannot be done overnight.

Apply technology knowledge

Recruiters now need to devise long-term strategies to develop candidate attraction, as well as mid-and short-term strategies to promote those strategies.

From setting up Fanpages, managing recruitment websites, building business images on social networking sites, and writing content to attract candidates. The more scarce the industries are, the more demanding skills are in recruiting candidates. Especially in creating sources and maintaining relationships with potential candidates.

In fact, any profession that follows social trends will have certain changes and changes. The requirements for skills and knowledge will be more and more to keep up with changes and developments.

Although the requirements are increasing and the level of competition is increasing, in fact, people’s living standards today compared to 20 years ago have also been greatly improved. So it’s also a worthwhile and necessary update.

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