How to find the authentic recruitment groups

recruitment groups

An effective recruitment channel that I observe is specialized groups, recruitment groups. It could be a website used only to recruit for a certain field, or a Facebook community group that shares recruitment information in certain industries. LinkedIn also has quite a few groups that you can join with different goals.

Once you’ve joined social media, your search for information is limitless. And I am sure the number of recruitment groups or job search websites that are right for you is not small. Therefore, choosing a quality recruitment group is really not an easy task and there are many points you need to consider to have the right follow-up and joining.

Information quality

The first thing is the quality of the information. A specialized group is considered to be of real value when the shared content and articles and job postings in it are true to the expertise and majors that the members of the group aim for. 

Especially with free social networking sites, the phenomenon of spam (information spam) is becoming a problem that any group or forum faces. And not every recruitment group or specialized group has enough administrators to filter the information and content of posts on their group. 

A group that specializes but contains too much non-specialized information, advertising, sales, etc. will no longer receive interest from participants in the long term.

Confirmed recruitment team information

The authenticity of information content is also an aspect of concern in recruitment groups. Social media contains a lot of information that cannot be verified. It is not uncommon for the information to be falsified, even using the names of companies to find candidates. 

When you find a job posting in the industry groups, double-check it and make sure it’s genuine by looking for information about the company related to the job posting. Pay special attention to information on how to apply. 

A regular email address will have the ending …@… where … after the @ is a company domain name. Some businesses may not register a corporate domain, but there are actually very few. Most businesses now have a website.

News is updated

The timeliness of your job posting is very important. There are many cases of job postings being shared after the original post was posted two or even three weeks ago. During that time, it is likely that the company and the employer have selected the right candidate, and even though you know the information, the opportunity is gone. 

Choosing groups that post original content, or if it’s sharing a post, make sure it’s been shared no more than a week since it went public.

Posting frequency

Another point of concern for quality recruiting teams is the frequency of posts. A group that has one article per month and each day has hundreds of basic articles that will have different attractiveness. Too few posts about sharing recruitment information show that not too many recruiters really care and know about the group you are joining. 

Although the number of members is very large, if the number of job postings shared is too small, it is not a reliable reference source. Most likely it was some group that was founded for a different purpose and later changed its name.

Number of recruitment team members

Finally, the number of members joining a job group is very important that you need to keep an eye on. A group with too few members will not have the necessary interaction and will often be overlooked by employers when sharing recruitment information.

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