When is the season Recruitment?

season recruitment

Season recruitment is what? A question for candidates is whether the company has season recruitment or not. In which, I temporarily distinguish two main reasons leading to the formation of recruitment seasons: due to the production and business characteristics of enterprises and due to the changing nature of the labor market.

Features of production and business

With each different operating industry, personnel may have different seasonal changes. The number of projects or customers, and the operational goals of the business increase and decreases with large differences, causing clear effects on HR-related needs between different times. 

For example, in the tourism industry, the market is regulated by the number of tourists to a place, city, or tourist area. This will give rise to factors related to the customer’s operational process. Therefore, it will make the staff size of the business expand, leaving businesses between the choice of hiring more seasonal workers or hiring more employees. 

Service industry (Hospitality) businesses have solutions such as creating low season promotions and diversifying tourist sources as a solution to reduce disparity and seasonality, but in general, these efforts are still not large enough, and difficult to resist market trends. Thus the recruitment season was formed.

Another example that can be mentioned is manufacturing enterprises. Changes and fluctuations in orders can also cause managers to struggle with the problem of human resources. 

Overtime can be seen as a solution, but it still has to comply with the limited requirements of the law (and sometimes even more constraints from the customer). Therefore, hiring more seasonal staff or recruiting employees is a common solution that HR managers can consider to ensure stable production.

Or like IT companies, whether it is Product/Solution (usually it will be more stable and long-term because the company’s product development is the main) or Outsource (are companies hired by the product company to make products). For the product company, it will not be as stable and long-term as the product). 

Some Outsource enterprises, when receiving projects on an urgent basis, are willing to pay high costs to recruit more staff, but when the project ends, the recruited number may be pushed to another project or actively find another business.

Large information technology enterprises will have a long-term recruitment plan because they receive many project sources, so they can run long distances with personnel and this is quite easier to do with businesses of this size. Smaller and fewer project resources.

Thereby, it can be seen that learning the rules and operating characteristics of the business will help you understand a lot about the season recruitment of that business. When a business recruits in large numbers (also known as season recruitment), of course, your chances will be more. The competition for jobs is also reduced

season recruitment due to workforce change

The second thing I want to mention about the season recruitment for companies here is the changing nature of the workforce. If there is no growth in the corporate market, no increase in production lines, no product growth, no change in bank interest rates, etc. The number of jobs in an economy or in your locality does not increase too much.

So what causes the need for recruitment? That’s when a person leaves giving rise to a vacancy. You can imagine simply a giant jigsaw puzzle, a missing piece will generate the need to find another piece of similar shape and color to fill. What caused that giant puzzle to give rise to gaps.

I can most clearly indicate that factor is “extraordinary incomes other than sudden high salaries”. Easier to imagine, you can immediately think of a bonus. When you have an expectation of a sizable amount of unexpected income, it will influence your decision to leave your job quite a bit. I’m sure many of you here have heard of sayings like: “Let’s go through the New Year”, “wait for the reward”,…

After receiving this level of income is also often the time when companies will decide to evaluate salary changes. Quite a few factors occur in the same relatively short period that greatly affects the level of job satisfaction and satisfaction of employees. 

Here it is not only a matter of money, but through bonus policy and salary increase policy, employees can self-assess the company’s development potential, the “openness” of the level of spending for employees of the company business or the way management is recognizing their contribution to the organization. 

When one of those factors does not meet the employee’s expectations, it is completely reasonable to look for another job. 

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