Research a post for a job vacancy

post for a job vacancy

Test yourself how did you research a post for a job vacancy before applying? People looking for jobs but can’t find jobs, and recruiters can’t find candidates, that’s the gap between candidates and recruiters.

One side has a desire to have a suitable job, the other side has a need to recruit but can’t find a suitable one. There is always such irrationality in recruitment. And it causes a lot of you to respond very harshly to recruiters, but really no one wants that to happen.

The level of knowledge about the vacancy plays a very important role for both the candidate and the employer.

On the candidate’s side, some of the position requirements are very well-written from the job content to the requirements, and there are almost no requirements you can meet yourself. However, some may misunderstand, misunderstand the content and think that they are completely suitable for the position.

The relevance here is judged by you with the prism of personal experience, not really it is on the prism of the business. The fact that businesses want something about a candidate is sometimes very vague or not clearly described.

Therefore, this generality has caused candidates to have wrong judgments about the recruitment work of the enterprise. You have researched about the vacancy a lot, but sometimes you really don’t understand it at all. It’s not your fault.

On the employer side, the level of understanding of the vacancy plays an even more important role in determining the distance between the candidate and the job.

Because they are the people who perform the function of receiving, screening, and recommending to the departments the most suitable documents for the business and the required position. However, partly because of seniority in the business, partly due to capacity and experience.

Surely everyone who goes to work will go through the process from being inexperienced to becoming an expert in a certain field. And recruiters are no exception to that rule.

We may think that we should let seasoned people do the recruiting, but if so, after those seasoned people leave or retire, where will the next team replace them? surname?

Every position and every job should have the same opportunities. And if your CV is really missed because of a young recruiter in terms of experience, stay optimistic and believe that someone else with better expertise will recognize your match.

Demand comes from departments and is documented in recruitment information, thereby reaching candidates.

That’s another cause of the problem that recruiters and candidates don’t understand each other. “Triple star failure”. If an enterprise has a multi-tier structure, and information is forwarded in tiered order. The vacancy information can be sent from the Director of the Department to the Supervisory Level, to the Head of the Recruitment Department, and then distributed to the Recruitment Staff.

And this information, after going through many layers, will have many comments, amendments, and adjustment requests. Sometimes the Division Manager does not fully understand the details of the position, and the Department Supervisor does not boldly revise the recruitment requirements.

The recruiter received no news and made a very good job posting that was completely unrelated to the actual job and the requirements of that position. And therefore, the files that have been screened and submitted to the Department are returned with the reason of “not suitable”. This is not a story I imagined.

Some positions and titles require the employer to really understand, have a certain time working at the enterprise, and have quick thinking about the labor market.

Understanding the labor market is paramount in recruiting, job hunting, and salary negotiations. And when the market is not carefully understood, it is easy for recruiters to go down the road of finding a candidate that doesn’t exist in their target market.

They can expand into other, more distant target human markets, but there is no guarantee that that market will completely meet their somewhat unreasonable recruitment requirements.

And although sometimes you know a vacancy better than the employer, if you really have deep experience in that field, you still might not be on the final screen for an interview.

One proposed solution to the above problems is to continuously adjust the position’s recruitment information to better match the market supply.

We can only hire what the labor market owns and exists. And a job posting that’s been posted or edited multiple times over a period of time shows that employers are becoming confused with what they see as the job market. And there are changes in the concept of recruitment, adjustments to better match the supply of candidates.

So the fact that a job title position can be adjusted a few times is not a bad sign, on the contrary, it shows that you still have a chance for the position.

You can’t decide on a business with good recruiters, but you can be completely confident in your abilities and thoroughly research a position when applying. Then a recruiter will find you among many candidates. Because you fit

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