Screening CV fails is the recruiters’ mistake

screening cv

Screening CV fails is one of the HR mistakes and omitting candidates. Many suitable candidates do not work at the company. It’s hard for you to imagine, that’s because most recruiters don’t fully understand everything about the work of other functions in the company.

There will be a section that attacks, and even criticize this subjective comment because in fact there are many professional recruiters. But it’s a small group of a larger number that are still very vague about job descriptions. So where is the reason? And are you a victim of candidate snooping from screeners?

Screening CV is the function of recruiters, which is to find the right people for the business.

Therefore, their working day will include a lot of different jobs such as receiving and checking the recruitment needs of the departments, preparing job postings, and checking the reliability of the employees. recruiting sources, checking received applications, arranging for interviews, etc.

These things take up most of the time of the recruiters, not just researching the Job Description or checking the content of the jobs that the candidate will have to do.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for employers to give only general answers, generalizing about the job content of the vacancy, but it is difficult to go into professional analysis or deepen the implementation process. , technical with candidates.

Recruiters don’t write all job descriptions for businesses, either.

They only contribute to orienting, guiding, and recalibrating the professional aspect of human resources. Usually, when building job descriptions for positions in the enterprise, human resource people will give construction orientation, set up questionnaires, interviews, etc., and then combine with the head of the department. expertise to jointly compile, edit and unify.

Those who directly perform the new job are the individuals who know the operations, job requirements and duties, functions, .. of that position best. And it’s certainly not the recruiters or the HR people in the company.

Regular job descriptions serve as an orientation platform for new employees to grasp and do the job, as well as for job postings. And since not every HR person has the ability to compose those job descriptions, it’s not surprising that they don’t fully understand them.

Too large a business also affects the ability to understand job positions.

A small business with more than a dozen locations will be very different from a corporation with a few hundred positions in several dozen different departments. The larger the scale and structure, the more elusive the individual functions, duties, and responsibilities. The higher the specialization and complexity in the business. And it’s easier to miss candidates.

Not all employers have enough seniority in the business.

This is a reason that is most personal to the employer. But recruiters are like all of us. Not everyone is perfect and has excellent expertise. There will always be exceptional individuals as well as ordinary capable people.

It takes a lot of time for HR to get acquainted with and understand the general work, and functions of other departments as well as fully understand the job description.

Especially if that HR does not have experience in other businesses operating in the same industry. HR who is not senior enough does not fully understand the vacancy and is likely to “drop out” of potential and suitable candidates for the business. And of course, not all HR in businesses will have seniority.

Screening CV fails and you are a victim

What if you applied to a company, your profile was perfect, but did not receive a response. If it’s not for you, it’s probably because the employer falls into one of the points above.

But it doesn’t matter, be positive and persistent and we will get a suitable job.

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