social media in CV must be included or an option?

social media in CV

Some other personalized information such as social media in CV has also been considered. Especially among young people, in general, the frequency of using social networks and the level of understanding about it is much better than in previous generations. 

One of the additional contact information I often see when reading resumes is a Facebook address. So let’s discuss a little bit about whether you feel it is appropriate to use additional social media information on your CV to find a job?

Not required information

In general, there is no one correct answer, and it depends on your personality and choices. In my personal opinion, as a recruiter, those addresses are not mandatory and usually do not need to be included in the CV for many reasons.

The basic logic here is that not every individual will own social networking sites such as Facebook, Tiktok, Blog, etc. So whether or not this social media content is included in the CV has no effect. What is effective to your hiring decision? 

Maybe at least in the current concept of recruiting personnel, owning social networking sites is not a piece of mandatory information like other personal information such as an address, contact method, etc.

Be careful with social media in CV

Besides, I have met and received sharing from quite a few colleagues working in recruitment. The content shared on social networking sites will sometimes lose points. That’s because some of it contains inappropriate information or shares, unverified information, negative psychological acts, etc.

So unless you can control the content extremely well on social networking sites, include it in your CV. If you use it only for entertainment and freedom of speech on sensitive issues, expressing opinions, you should keep it to yourself and should not share it publicly when looking for a job.

However, there will be times when your Facebook address or link to your blog is a significant plus. I’m talking about job seekers closely related to social networks such as SEO, content writing, journalism, media, photography, etc. Having a Facebook/ Fanpage/ Blog page with a large number of followers.

The island will show that you have very good methods of creating media attraction, and skills related to social networks. 

Some other positions that have an artistic and entertainment inclination through audiovisuals such as MC, musician, etc. will be nothing better than having a YouTube channel where your perfect skills are recorded.

Therefore I would like to share that think carefully before including your social media accounts in your CV. There will not be a mandatory standard for this but depends on the nature of the work that you aim for. 

But if you want to share that information, be aware of its general relevance and make sure the content is in line with socially recognized standards.

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