Talent pool. Definition and perspective

talent pool

The concept of talent pool appears in personnel recruitment. Depending on the implementation and understanding of each business, each place will implement it differently, or sometimes not.

Talent pool concept

Basically, a Talent pool is a list of objects and candidates that are suitable for the business.

What a talent portfolio includes, that’s up to the business to decide. Information about the candidate’s data fields such as year of birth, major, geographical area, experience, type of work (part-time, full-time, …) … will determine the complexity of the application candidate data variables.

Using a talent pool makes businesses more proactive in recruiting personnel. However, finding candidate sources for this data is quite difficult.

Some common sources can be mentioned such as employees who have worked at the company, interns, apprentices, and the candidates who are looking for jobs in the market in the field the company operates. Active, even candidates who have previously been interviewed and rejected are also worth considering.

In addition, if businesses really want to be proactive in recruiting, external labor resources who are looking for jobs are always an object worth pursuing data collection.

The flip side of the Talent pool

The talent pool slows down recruitment because its purpose seems to be more geared toward data collection.

This is a problem. In the past, when recruiters asked for your contact information, or actively contacted you, it was most likely because they were actually looking for the right talent for the business. The recruitment of human resources was previously associated with job postings, screening resumes, interviews, etc., and often followed the demand for labor recruitment.

With the change from many factors coming from technology, the labor market scarcity of qualified, talented, and experienced candidates, or the increasing pressure of recruitment in terms of progress, the talent pool is a lifesaver. wings and effective assistants for people doing human resource work.

Therefore, data collection does not mean that they are really short of staff. It won’t be surprising that you only fall into the category of recruiters to put in a talent pool, not to schedule a job interview. And such databases usually have a relative number of candidates, which are updated and added regularly.

So if you apply and don’t get an interview, in addition to the previous stories, we often think that we are not suitable, now a new possibility has arisen. Maybe you are suitable for another position but the business has no need to recruit, or there is another candidate more suitable than you but your profile is still very worthy to be saved for future opportunities.

In the increasingly fast pace of life, when we only read the news or surf newspapers and websites for a moment, recruitment seems to be having the opposite trend of becoming slower, but more active. more active.

The talent pool does not mean that it will create “junk” job postings for data collection purposes only. Because the ultimate purpose of that collection is just to find the right candidate for the business. It only contributes to lowering recruitment pressure, aiming to be more proactive for businesses.

I won’t be surprised when you apply to a business and people call you back a long time later. Since you are already an information-stored object. And perhaps, when the right candidates on their Talent pool are no more, or no one wants to change jobs, then posting a new job is the last solution chosen.

Is it possible that there will be less and less information about recruiting personnel in businesses that have invested in human resources systems when the Talent Pool is increasingly filled and diversified? The recruitment work changed from waiting for candidates to submit their applications to actively contacting the right objects in the data?

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