Unstable hiring needs. Why and how to adapt?

hiring needs

Changing hiring needs are one of the reasons why recruiting candidates becomes so difficult. Job seekers do not receive accurate information and human resource staff is not proactive in communicating recruitment information.

The change in hiring needs is most clearly seen during the Covid 19 pandemic, in businesses that have been greatly affected by the epidemic. So what would a basic hiring need include that could change?

Hiring needs changes in the position title

The title of the vacancy is the first and foremost factor that determines all the factors that follow.

Each different job title will have different job content to be performed, and along with it are the requirements for skills, experience, and education needed to meet the job. A title rarely changes in recruitment. It only really changes when the business situation encounters unexpected changes.

It is most obvious that during the Covid19 pandemic, some positions can be posted but cannot be recruited due to the disruption of the supply chain, the pressure on ensuring the health of workers as well as the scarcity of employees. supply of raw materials is scarce in some manufacturing industries.

This makes it possible for some businesses to reduce output, reduce personnel and conduct more part-time work in some groups of office and support positions. And with this change, it is easy to see that the title becomes changed and the nature of the job also becomes more versatile and multi-tasking.

That is with a number of businesses that have been hit hard by the pandemic, and have been forced to downsize. An example of the unpredictability of a changing business environment.

Hiring needs changes over time

Changing recruitment requirements is also a common factor in recruiting.

Assume that this month, the enterprise needs personnel to carry out a job, but due to slow progress, it can be postponed one, even two, or three months later, to start holding an interview to receive the employee. the.

The planning and follow-up, regular adjustment at enterprises is still a conundrum and causes headaches for managers. What if you read the job posting and applied but didn’t hear back about the interview.

Don’t be pessimistic about your unsuitability for the business. Also do not think that the business is only posting to PR the company. Believe that there is another possibility that the HR plan is changing, and maybe in a few months you will be contacted again.

During the job search, there will be times when you apply for a job and it takes a month or even two to receive a call to schedule an interview. That’s not necessarily because HR is not professional, but sometimes it’s just a calculation deviation from the plan compared to reality in the business.

Let’s continue to take the example of Covid 19 when the state of social distancing in localities is impossible to calculate. Does this affect recruitment request time at enterprises? Maybe yes and even a huge effect.

Job content requirements change

Changing job content requirements leads to changing position requirements.

This is a change that is the most painful and has the greatest impact on both the recruitment and job-seeking status of workers. Changes in job content lead to the creation of new job descriptions or updating of old job descriptions.

If this change is more specialized, it will force candidates to invest more deeply in a certain field of work. On the contrary, if the change is more diverse in job content, employees are forced to update more extensive knowledge related to the work they are doing.

This is confusing not only for job seekers but also for employers. In fact, the larger the enterprise, the deeper the specialization, but it seems that in terms of functional overlap, businesses want more versatility in employees to be able to hold some jobs.

In difficult circumstances or lack of personnel, the workforce who lost their jobs during the epidemic period, if they do not turn to self-employment, will learn new knowledge, skills, etc. The above things make the future of work. both recruitment and the ability of workers to keep their jobs become increasingly difficult.

Adapting to unpredictable changes, businesses transition to more flexible, versatile models, and HR is one of them.

Lifelong learning trends

Among the reasons why recruiters and candidates have a certain distance from each other and it is difficult to find each other at the right time, the change in recruitment demand plays a huge part.

With the continuous development of technology, the impact of epidemics and globalization becoming stronger, information is transparent, clearer, and easier to find, keeping up to date with knowledge and trends. become a very important part of competing for the desired job position.

Future trends may not be forecasted accurately, but the trend of “lifelong learning” will be an orientation that is always right for everyone, all professions in the labor market.

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