Factors that affect recruitment channels

recruitment channels

Choosing and identifying the right recruitment channels is a very important step in your job search process. There are really no rules or regulations about where companies will post jobs or how to choose recruitment channels. Everything is random and depends on each employer and individual HR.

However, there are not necessarily points that we can keep in mind when looking for recruitment sources. Each person’s way of doing HR may be different, and the business operating environment is constantly changing, not to mention the internal personnel working in the enterprise can also switch to work in other enterprises.

Many different factors affect the communication of recruitment information, but in my personal opinion, there are still some points that cannot be changed in a short term.

These points will greatly influence and decide which methods businesses use for talent search. 

There are factors that you can easily see about the business such as the size of the business, the complexity of the business structure (including the products/services the company provides/the level of organization geographically spread), and the reputation of the business.

Enterprise size

The size of the business has a great influence on recruitment. The larger the enterprise, the more specialized the recruitment function in the enterprise. There will be at least one person, or even one department that recruits personnel for the enterprise. 

In general, large enterprises have more generous budgets for finding staff than small businesses. Therefore, paid recruitment channels will be a preferred recruitment channel for these businesses because of their professionalism, accessibility to potential candidates, and as well as promotion of the company’s image.

In addition, large enterprises can completely build their own job posting site and use it as a powerful tool to communicate not only recruitment content but also the company culture and environment to employees – the most positive and exciting content. 

Large enterprises will also take advantage of popular free channels with a large number of users such as Facebook to conduct recruitment work. They will also not forget to participate in specialized groups, and job groups in regions to post jobs. 

In general, most recruitment channels will be used by large enterprises, and “quality” positions will be the number one priority on paid channels or company recruitment websites.

On the other hand, small businesses will hardly spend too much money on recruitment. Free recruitment channels will be the number one priority for these businesses. 

In general, businesses that are “conditional” in terms of recruitment budget will have more choices than small businesses. In addition, they can also organize a job fair to attract a large and diverse workforce at a time.

The complexity of the business

The complexity of the enterprise structure is also a point affecting the recruitment work of enterprises. An enterprise operating in only one industry will have a much different perspective on personnel than a multi-industry corporation. 

A business that operates only in one locality will also have a different approach to human resources than a business with branches spread across the country. 

When the number of personnel to be recruited and the level of complexity and diversity is higher, the more you should pay attention and find the recruitment websites of these businesses. Even free and paid channels are fully utilized.

Because of the large number of vacancies, the spread of recruitment areas, or sometimes both, businesses always try their best to communicate their recruitment information as far and widely as possible. 

The more informed people are, the better the chances of finding the right candidate. The more recruitment channels used, the more people know about the information. Those are common logic in recruitment. 

In contrast, businesses only operate in a certain field or locality, recruitment is mostly done in local job groups, specialized groups, job Facebook pages, or websites related to the profession or field in which the business operates.

The reputation of the business

The reputation of a business is one of the most important factors. 

How often do you see well-known or market-leading businesses posting job advertisements in search of candidates? In my opinion, this is almost rare because when many people know about these businesses, finding a job in those businesses makes candidates feel very excited. Many candidates may even feel proud to be a member of that business.

Instead of spreading out looking for candidates, most of these businesses themselves attract potential candidates and are really interested in the business to find the company by only posting limited jobs in a certain limit of recruitment channels. The company’s own recruitment websites, and internal recruitment through referrals may be the preferred channels of these businesses. 

Unless the number of hiring at one time is too much, they completely have the power to attract and select the best candidate on their side. The better a business has a good reputation and environment, and stable operation, the more difficult it is for you to find a job advertisement in the labor market.

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