Which job site to apply to is suitable for you?

job site to apply

Finding the right job site to apply to is very important in the job search process. The fact that you create a profile, and upload your CV to these websites is guided in detail by each page.

Therefore, job-related stories on these sites will not need to be mentioned because you can find them right on the homepage of each website. It is important that you understand the user-side information that these sites do not share. Ways related to website operation, and why we should use them to search for jobs.

What geographic area is the job site for?

The first and most important thing when looking for a job on a recruitment website is that you must clearly understand the segment and audience that these websites are targeting. So what criteria will we use to divide job sites? Pay attention to the geographical area and audience the website is aimed at.

The geographical area here is whether this website is local or national. A local recruitment website is a website built for the sole purpose of serving the target group of job seekers in a particular locality or location.

Therefore, the object orientation in this website segment is quite clear. They will post all job positions located in a specific locality, regardless of industry, experience, or field. What they focus on most here are locality and geography. And usually, these websites will rarely be divided into many other subgroups because the number of jobs in a locality is not much compared to the whole country.

If the division caters to one more specific group, it is very likely that they will receive only a few job posting requests a day, and avoid wasting resources and revenue. If you want to find a job in a specific locality, please visit these websites for reference, because it is suitable for all subjects.

In addition to the official job website, you can also refer to the Forum with the function of posting and finding jobs. And to see the quality of that page, look at their story or page visits. The pages that are really useful are the ones that attract a lot of views as well as the rich and regularly updated content of job postings.

Who is the recruitment page aimed at?

The audience that the website targets is also a point you should keep in mind. Usually, each site will price its services differently, and with the higher-end group, the higher the cost per job posting will be. That is not to mention the reputation and brand of the recruitment website.

You can easily find articles about the target group that each recruitment site is targeting to choose the most appropriate and suitable site for you. Some websites will target all industries, but there will also be sites that only target a certain industry or group of industries.

Regardless of the audience or geographic area, job websites will always add tools to segment searches through different data fields. And you just need to select the data fields that are suitable for you and click the Search button. Choosing the right audience that the recruitment website is targeting, creating an account on it, and updating your CV on the page is quite decisive for a successful job search. It’s no different than choosing the right path to get to your destination.

Free for users. Fees for businesses

Job sites are free for all job seekers. It provides paid users (here businesses) a certain number of services through a fee the business is willing to pay. And at the most basic level, each business will be able to create an account and manage that account. The most basic functions will include posting job ads and managing job postings with candidate profiles.

Each candidate will not know how many people have applied for the position, so it is difficult to know the competitive rate of each position. The business side will view the records received on the system or download the records, and select the appropriate records. And usually, the default period of a post is 30 days.

If you apply for a long time but haven’t been scheduled for an interview, it doesn’t mean you failed. Most likely the business is still waiting for another more suitable candidate before selecting your profile, or the vacancy is not urgent.

One of the misconceptions of candidates is that when applying, if suitable, they will be called immediately to schedule an interview. This may be true if you are in a senior management position or a business that is in dire need of personnel. So don’t be discouraged or surprised if it takes a long time to get in touch for an interview.

High level of trust in a job site to apply

One of the reasons that we should use a recruitment website to search for jobs is that it “costs”. Because of the fee, businesses will have certain considerations before posting job ads or buying recruitment packages on the website. The jobs on the recruitment website are real needs and do not serve any other purpose except to find potential candidates.

Besides, because each account when registering must provide specific information about the business, at least the company’s email or sometimes the business license, there are no forms of job scams on the website. these websites. Each site will have an admin team to ensure that all job postings are appropriate, to avoid affecting the reputation of the business.

In addition, because businesses will not need to do PR work, recruitment websites will do it instead to attract visitors, recruitment websites are a channel preferred by many companies.

So, choose for yourself a reputable, suitable recruitment website, and start searching for your own career path.

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