A job description error makes a job posting fail

job description

Can you find a job description error? Have you ever applied for a position with a job description (JD) for a title similar to the one you are working for, and the requirements are quite similar? However, after you send your CV to the recruiter, you do not receive a reply or an appointment for an interview. 

I believe that everyone in the job search process will sometimes encounter such situations.

What is the job description?

The issue I want to delve into to analyze here is the validity of the Job Description. There are quite a few articles and documents written about Job Descriptions already. Here I am simply pointing out a few points about the Job Description.

JD tells you what the position is, what the hierarchy is like, what are the main job responsibilities and duties, you will have the powers and what are the obligations in the job, what are the requirements of the person in charge of that position, what qualifications are required, etc.

A job description is a statement of what the company evaluates to the position, the duties, and responsibilities. Duties of the position as well as the qualifications of the person in charge. Some businesses also add training courses and progression paths for the position. 

Based on the job description of the vacancy, the human resources personnel will select the appropriate information and post the job.

Why is the job description incorrect?

The first flaw that causes you to refuse even if you fully meet the recruitment requirements is that the Job Description does not really reflect what the job requires. 

To form a standard job description with authentic content, it is necessary to factor in the competencies and skills of both the human resources personnel and the professional management of the department head. 

New location arose

In some situations, new vacancies arise and have never existed in the organizational structure. Recruiters and department managers get together to compile a job description for the position when it doesn’t actually exist and execute it. 

As you can see, what is described and agreed upon today can be supplemented and changed in a few days. It’s been a trial and error process and what recruiters post today may not be accurate tomorrow.

Copy job description

Another factor that I need to mention is the copy of the Job Description. This is not a bad or negative issue. Many job description writers need to refer to similar positions in other companies and choose information as the substance to write documents for their own department. 

However, as I mentioned above, sometimes the understanding of the department’s own work is not good enough, leading to some points that are really not suitable for the position that the business wants to recruit. 

Only when managers really re-calibrate to suit the reality of the business and the department they are recruiting for, that Job Description will really be a valuable recruitment reference.

Time to make the job description

One more thought I’d like to share is: How long ago was the job description created. In addition, the department that the enterprise needs to recruit personnel in during the time from the time the job description is made for the positions until now has changed, fluctuated or not. 

When an enterprise has a change in operation scale (increasing or downsizing the size of human resources), it affects more or less the job positions. That is not to mention narrowing the scope of business or expanding into other areas. This raises the question of whether existing positions should be more specialized or more cross-functional. 

It makes an individual significantly increase or decrease the number of work items.

Change the content of the work

And finally, I think recruiters also play a big part in the fact that you are not suitable for the job despite meeting all the recruitment criteria set forth. As I mentioned above, monitoring the effectiveness of the Job Description is one of the responsibilities of the recruiter. 

Besides, like all other positions in the business, there will always be excellent and average employees. And this is no exception in the HR department. A non-experienced recruiter who does not clearly understand the job positions in the business and screening CV skills still has many points to improve. 

And sometimes your CV gets through the screening round, not reaching the people with enough expertise.

Therefore, what I have mentioned is not necessarily because of your inappropriate ability, but sometimes it is just because of objective factors that lead to not having the opportunity. Be optimistic

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