
Hi There! I’m Hoang Chau Nguyen. My job and passion are in Human resources

You don’t know why your interview or application doesn’t go well, that’s often the case. And if you keep making mistakes, you will hardly get the job you want even though your ability is very good. 

Each person in his career probably doesn’t work for more than 10 companies. Therefore, if we count the job search experience, we only have … no more than 10 times. So we do not have enough experiences in job seeking.

This blog is a recipe for you to get a deep inside into recruitment and have a better job.


years experience


candidates are recruited

Great Attention To Detail

I write all stories related to candidates I meet in my daily work and convert it to stories easy for all to read

Each story is about a small piece of the whole recruitment of entrepreneurs. A deep inside the nature of job seeking and answer related questions.

post for a job vacancy
screening cv
continuous improvement

I’m Specialized In The Management Of recruitment

With more than 10 years in HR. Especially in Recruitment. In charge of recruiting in a variety of businesses such as banks, retails, real estate, hospitality, electronics manufacturing, etc.

I want to share my story, and my perspective on job seeking. I hope I can help a lot of people to find a good job.

It is not true or false. It is my experiences, my stories, and my passion.

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